Focus on the Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient.

Buy the way? Currently I Hav 2 cancer patients, 3 patients diagnosed Terminal.
I've buried 6 cancer patients. Most thought they where perfectly "legal".
I can tell you care...
How about you give free recs, and follow up office visits, to any patient meeting the criteria of the 'forgotten medical' patient?
Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?

Great minds think alike Marty. We are going to do just that. Work with Breast Cancer Awareness month to get breast cancer patients certified for example. We are considering different ways to do it. Free certifications for breast cancer patients, coupons for ALL patients to give to cancer patients giving them 50% off, letting patients coming in for certification bring in a cancer patient for a free certification with them, giving discounts for members of cancer support groups.

These are all ideas we have been kicking around for the last week or two. As it is I already do minors for free, and as a result I have quite a few in the program and am getting referrals from the U of M. Stand by for the announcement on

BTW, we already give free follow up office visits, and always have. This is designed to protect patients and is included in the price of the original certification.

Dr. Bob
yeah Bob I'm very serious.
You are saying following sec 4 and LARA will physically help my cancer patients??? Please show me the study!!!
I'm sorry but the "program" does not grant them access. We growers n caregivers do.

Growers and Caregivers (interesting you separated them into two groups) do not 'protect' patients. The MMMA Section 4 'protects' patients. If that fails, it is up to Section 8 to allow them to mount a defense with the backing of the caregiver, doctor, and of course a large legal team. It appears from your response, and this is just an opinion, that you view the MMMA and its provisions as irrelevant. Are you stating your activity with cancer patients is somehow outside of the law, or as long as you are doing good deeds for your patients all is well? Considering the wording of the Act and recent court and legislative actions, I would suspect your fantasy of 'It's all good if it is for a good cause.' will get you and others in trouble for your actions. But you are a big boy, do what you want and take your lumps.

Seriously, are you actually asking me for a study that shows that legal registration somehow affects the morbidity and mortality of the cancer vs simply keeping folks out of the criminal justice system? Do you even know what a study is? I would say as a general rule of common sense that people are healthier and do better when they are not locked up in a cage. I can find you some studies relating stress to healing and the immune system, but then again I am not your research assistant or grad student/scut monkey. Go to this website and you can do your own research.

Come on back and let us know what you find.

Dr. Bob
Thank you for your assistance to the sickest of patients and your participation in the program.

Dr. Bob
Personally I believe MJ patients should simply not need protection from the "law" and/or "justice system". Furthermore, no caregiver can provide protection from unaccountable police actions based on their subjective for profit interpretation of overlaying criminal schedule 1 felony law with civil licensing law as it relates to LARA and MMMP. It is clearly a false narrative literally employing far to many unaccountable industries. This clear and present threat has simply not been addressed by MMMA and I would argue the MMMP has actually become a tool added to the corruption. The laws are now present to protect patients and caregivers, it's time to focus on the game and it's players still preying on them.
Personally I believe MJ patients should simply not need protection from the "law" and/or "justice system". Furthermore, no caregiver can provide protection from unaccountable police actions based on their subjective for profit interpretation of overlaying criminal schedule 1 felony law with civil licensing law as it relates to LARA and MMMP. It is clearly a false narrative literally employing far to many unaccountable industries. This clear and present threat has simply not been addressed by MMMA and I would argue the MMMP has actually become a tool added to the corruption. The laws are now present to protect patients and caregivers, it's time to focus on the game and it's players still preying on them.

Personally I believe it should just be legalized and folks held accountable for their actions rather than mere use. But there are different ways of looking at what the law does and does not allow, and right now we have court rulings and laws that determine the current state of affairs. Complaining does nothing, but fighting them in court as a 'test case' takes time.

Dr. Bob
It's kind of a joke to talk about following rules while posting on a stoner forum. This is a place created for illegal growers that added medical sub forums. There are other people on this site talking about using many different types of illegal drugs...

The law is a mess and anyone who thinks that a free human being should be locked in a cage for cannabis is a piece of garbage.
Follow ups are free, they're included in the price of the initial visit. Dr. Bob - you might want to work on the accuracy and delivery of your statements.
Correct on both accounts. We are referring to to certifications, not pain or suboxone patients.

But enough of this, I'll have this on the blog.
Growers and Caregivers (interesting you separated them into two groups) do not 'protect' patients. The MMMA Section 4 'protects' patients. If that fails, it is up to Section 8 to allow them to mount a defense with the backing of the caregiver, doctor, and of course a large legal team. It appears from your response, and this is just an opinion, that you view the MMMA and its provisions as irrelevant. Are you stating your activity with cancer patients is somehow outside of the law, or as long as you are doing good deeds for your patients all is well? Considering the wording of the Act and recent court and legislative actions, I would suspect your fantasy of 'It's all good if it is for a good cause.' will get you and others in trouble for your actions. But you are a big boy, do what you want and take your lumps.

Dr. Bob
first. Growers and caregivers are different. I know several growers who are not caregivers. Same with caregivers.
Second. The point was "grant access" not "protect". Caregivers grant access. It's our SS# name not LARA's

I would go on but it's fairly clear you read what you want to, construst strawman arguments, play at the passive/aggressive e-warrior, and are quite condescending.

Your opinion of LARA is wrong. Your reasons for defending a program that causes as much harm as good are suspect. Try being a Doctor instead of a bob.
So how about this?
What mmj treatment would you recommend for a breast cancer patient?
Stage 1
One lump removed. Cancer