Focus on the Forgotten Medical Marijuana Patient.

See my previous post.

Nice. That's the extent of your help and caring. Blowing someone off with a life threatening illness.

You keep posting about helping people, and the rest of us will actually get off of our asses and give the help that is needed. Was the purpose of this thread to help people, or drum up more business for your certification mill??
Nice. That's the extent of your help and caring. Blowing someone off with a life threatening illness.

You keep posting about helping people, and the rest of us will actually get off of our asses and give the help that is needed. Was the purpose of this thread to help people, or drum up more business for your certification mill??

No I tend to blow off obscenity laden hate posts from people that wouldn't tell me how I could help or contact me with the email they have that goes to me. I don't log in here much so can't see pms.''

As for NN, once again you try and change the subject of the thread to somehow make it about me. You are welcome to your 'free the weed' attitude, but it adds nothing to the discussion about the registry and expanding the number and type of patients that use it. You seem to think these are somehow 'my rules'. They are not. They are the rules of the PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN...the ones that voted for the act.

Sorry the rules aren't to your liking, but they are what we have and we work with them unless you want to be one the 'clowns with pounds' that are constantly in the news and trying to hide behind the act. If so, that is your choice. But don't derail useful discussions because you a/ hate the person presenting the idea. or b/ don't agree with the legal framework of the law.

I really don't care what you think of me, or any of your little group. The number of positive messages and likes I get on my posts reaffirm it is useful information to many. So I'll keep posting it.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do.

Dr. Bob
way too much compromising going on imo. all this angst over a state permission slip. it was voted in by the people. how bout demanding the fucks do as their told by we the people. all this back and forth over compliance is illin me. i'm not seeing all the advantages. people are still getting busted, their shit seized and the legal bills can be devastating. there are a bunch of fucktards herding us all towards their wallets. this is all about the money, not sick people.

fuck dispensaries
fuck all lawyers
fuck all lobbyists
fuck all politicians

this reminds me of the concealed carry fight a few years ago.
No I tend to blow off obscenity laden hate posts from people that wouldn't tell me how I could help or contact me with the email they have that goes to me. I don't log in here much so can't see pms.''

As for NN, once again you try and change the subject of the thread to somehow make it about me. You are welcome to your 'free the weed' attitude, but it adds nothing to the discussion about the registry and expanding the number and type of patients that use it. You seem to think these are somehow 'my rules'. They are not. They are the rules of the PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN...the ones that voted for the act.

Sorry the rules aren't to your liking, but they are what we have and we work with them unless you want to be one the 'clowns with pounds' that are constantly in the news and trying to hide behind the act. If so, that is your choice. But don't derail useful discussions because you a/ hate the person presenting the idea. or b/ don't agree with the legal framework of the law.

I really don't care what you think of me, or any of your little group. The number of positive messages and likes I get on my posts reaffirm it is useful information to many. So I'll keep posting it.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do.

Dr. Bob

Bob, you have no moral high ground to be talking down to someone. Before medical marijuana came on line you were a glorified drug dealer. Your little pill racket was "legal", but the synthetic heroin you were pushing was every bit as shitty as the back alley stuff. You were a turd that was slightly better polished.

What have you done with any of this that has not directly benefited you? And don't trot out the "free expert testimony" line. You advertise the shit out of that, and as a result financially benefit from it. Homeless gives of himself in both time and treasure, and does so out of compassion. Many others on this board do great things every day with no expectation of compensation. And you feel that you're better than these people? I don't understand that.
Look Man - everything Dr. Bob, (and the Certification Crew), do is for the bottom line.
This thread is not about forgotten patients - it's about providing more patients to Dr. Bob, (and the Certification Crew).
So apparently the dumb new rules he lobbied for are not working out as he had hoped.

So trying being honest Bob.
Most of us could care less if you want to make a living seeking certification patients.
But we get a bit pissed when you try to con us and then talk down to us for calling you out on it.

Here's a clue man: there are probably a hundred pot docs operating in the State right now.
Some advertise with caregivers, others with signs along the roadway, others in newsprint, and still more in internet ads.
YOU are the only one detested by most and respected by few.
Because of how you operate; not because of what you do.

We all see a need for pot docs.
But we also don't see a need to use the pot doc more than necessary for real health care.
When it comes down to living and dying we need a Dr. who is focused on our health and has some bedside manner.
You have neither; so you probably were not doing well before MMMA gave you a game.
So this is your gravy train.

If your business means anything to you you need to start building trust and respect from patients who will still seek you out because they want YOU.
I have never met a soul who claimed they went to you because they thought you were the best.
I have never even seen anyone state what a good Doctor you are.
That's pretty fucking incredible when you compare that to practically any other Dr. cited by the community.

It's not us: it's you.
You are welcome for the lesson.
As for NN, once again you try and change the subject of the thread to somehow make it about me. You are welcome to your 'free the weed' attitude, but it adds nothing to the discussion about the registry and expanding the number and type of patients that use it. You seem to think these are somehow 'my rules'. They are not. They are the rules of the PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN...the ones that voted for the act.
Sorry the rules aren't to your liking, but they are what we have and we work with them unless you want to be one the 'clowns with pounds' that are constantly in the news and trying to hide behind the act. If so, that is your choice. But don't derail useful discussions because you a/ hate the person presenting the idea. or b/ don't agree with the legal framework of the law.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do.
Dr. Bob
oh Doc! Really Really?? You start a thread askin US to help you sign up more customers to a crimminally broken system and you think this is a personal attack on YOU??

The people did not vote on section 4. The curupt politicians and Leo who lost the vote wrote the law.
As for "running along and doing what I do"??? Ok. Just remember you asked for it, Hun ;)
You guys are a hoot.

Thanks for the laugh.

Meanwhile, back to important things. Sorry the changes in the law weren't to your suiting, but the good news is legalization is around the corner. Sorry a discussion of getting cancer patients involved in the program is not to your suiting. But then again, little I say is. Pity it turns out to be right most of the time.

Happy New Year!

Dr. Bob
Ok Doc. Explain to me, sssslllllloooooowwwwlllllyyy, how getting my stage 4 friends in the program will help them.
What can LARA do for them?
Ok Doc. Explain to me, sssslllllloooooowwwwlllllyyy, how getting my stage 4 friends in the program will help them.
What can LARA do for them?

First Read the Original Article. I believe you will find the answer to your question there. Perhaps if you had done that in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But to humor you I will say this, it legally allows them to use medical cannabis to ease their symptoms AND it shows the diversity of the program and participation of the 'seriously ill' that the 'voters intended'. It also removes a point of attack that the program is just being used by those with 'minor back pain'.

Try and look beyond the immediate and understand why involving those forgotten patients is important for the entire program.

Dr. Bob
No I tend to blow off obscenity laden hate posts from people that wouldn't tell me how I could help or contact me with the email they have that goes to me. I don't log in here much so can't see pms.''

As for NN, once again you try and change the subject of the thread to somehow make it about me. You are welcome to your 'free the weed' attitude, but it adds nothing to the discussion about the registry and expanding the number and type of patients that use it. You seem to think these are somehow 'my rules'. They are not. They are the rules of the PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN...the ones that voted for the act.

Sorry the rules aren't to your liking, but they are what we have and we work with them unless you want to be one the 'clowns with pounds' that are constantly in the news and trying to hide behind the act. If so, that is your choice. But don't derail useful discussions because you a/ hate the person presenting the idea. or b/ don't agree with the legal framework of the law.

I really don't care what you think of me, or any of your little group. The number of positive messages and likes I get on my posts reaffirm it is useful information to many. So I'll keep posting it.

Now run along and do whatever it is you do.

Dr. Bob

The Nuremburg trials should remind us that just because there are rules they shouldn't always be followed.

I just Godwin'd this bitch.
First Read the Original Article. I believe you will find the answer to your question there. Perhaps if you had done that in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

But to humor you I will say this, it legally allows them to use medical cannabis to ease their symptoms AND it shows the diversity of the program and participation of the 'seriously ill' that the 'voters intended'. It also removes a point of attack that the program is just being used by those with 'minor back pain'.
Try and look beyond the immediate and understand why involving those forgotten patients is important for the entire program.

Dr. Bob
read my question. How does being in the program help my patient?
Being legal? Most are more concerned with staying alive long enough to see one more good day.
Helping overcome 75+ years of propaganda? Become some sort of martyr for a government program?

Again. How does the "program" help a forgotten patient? I can see how they,the patient,could help the program not vice versus
read my question. How does being in the program help my patient?
Being legal? Most are more concerned with staying alive long enough to see one more good day.
Helping overcome 75+ years of propaganda? Become some sort of martyr for a government program?

Again. How does the "program" help a forgotten patient? I can see how they,the patient,could help the program not vice versus


How about keeping them legal and protecting the program that grants them access? Oh well.... The words are there, the understanding isn't.

Dr. Bob

How about keeping them legal and protecting the program that grants them access? Oh well.... The words are there, the understanding isn't.

Dr. Bob

I can tell you care...
How about you give free recs, and follow up office visits, to any patient meeting the criteria of the 'forgotten medical' patient?
Wouldn't that be the right thing to do?
How about keeping them legal and protecting the program that grants them access? Oh well.... The words are there, the understanding isn't.
Dr. Bob
yeah Bob I'm very serious.
You are saying following sec 4 and LARA will physically help my cancer patients??? Please show me the study!!!
I'm sorry but the "program" does not grant them access. We growers n caregivers do.