Flushing before harvest is Bro Science!

We all know that laws don't make sense, idk how this thread turned to law talk but hey.

Michigan legalized weed and made the rule 12 plants per/person 21+ but the limit of weed you can have is like 2.5 ounces. As per the usual lawmakers are mentally challenged and can't make laws that make sense, this is a very persistent trend. They know nothing about what they are writing laws on.
On private property its like 10 oz's but yeah i agree with your point :)
Oh, and dozens of people ask when to flush every year, and many of them get defensive when they're told it's a myth
The thing is, no one that I'm aware of on this forum is in a position to say what's a myth and what's not?

Is it a myth because you read it or is it myth because you tried it?

There's to many armchair experts deciding what what's what and what's not and they don't know anymore than the next person.

I'm lucky knowing that I know nothing other what I do works for me, that saves me getting delusion about what i know.
Its been several years since i read up on it (medical/rec ) i thought it was upto 12oz per house hold here in Mi.
Its time for me to get upto date on the rules.. lol.
I mean 10oz's is fine, thats all i have. ;) lol
12 plants per household, 10 oz's ..... Its all i have too i swear.....per room of the house, shed , garage, pole barn, basement, chicken coop etc etc :)
The thing is, no one that I'm aware of on this forum is in a position to say what's a myth and what's not?

Is it a myth because you read it or is it myth because you tried it?

There's to many armchair experts deciding what what's what and what's not and they don't know anymore than the next person.

I'm lucky knowing that I know nothing other what I do works for me, that saves me getting delusion about what i know.
Let's respect each other's burden now for the season.And stop sniping real members of our club here
The thing is, no one that I'm aware of on this forum is in a position to say what's a myth and what's not?

Is it a myth because you read it or is it myth because you tried it?

There's to many armchair experts deciding what what's what and what's not and they don't know anymore than the next person.

I'm lucky knowing that I know nothing other what I do works for me, that saves me getting delusion about what i know.
There is no documented evidence it does what people claim it does, the only existing evidence that isn't anecdotal suggests the opposite. Its the definition of a myth.

I don't care what people do with their own plants, but if they ask, I'll say my piece.
There is no documented evidence it does what people claim it does, the only existing evidence that isn't anecdotal suggests the opposite. Its the definition of a myth.

I don't care what people do with their own plants, but if they ask, I'll say my piece.
Which pool shock do you use, Cal-Hypo?
are you saying there is no cell growth or cell division from like week 5 of bloom onwards?? how can you explain late bloom foxtailing then?
It's an exception and not what you're looking for. May be too much light/heat/stress.
But Sativas that have this habitus generally flower way longer and thus you gotta keep the feed up as well
The thing is, no one that I'm aware of on this forum is in a position to say what's a myth and what's not?

Is it a myth because you read it or is it myth because you tried it?

There's to many armchair experts deciding what what's what and what's not and they don't know anymore than the next person.

I'm lucky knowing that I know nothing other what I do works for me, that saves me getting delusion about what i know.
There is one person I know of. He has a PhD in Biochemistry focused on plant physiology, did research and worked for the bigs for years. I could go on about his credentials. Anyway he's my go to for advice and he doesn't flush. I've had a ton of chemistry, physics, biology etc... however I practiced on humans not plants and I see no reason to 'flush' and by flush I mean 2 weeks at the end starving your plants of nutrition in hydro and I could go on about soil but won't bother since I don't use it. But that's part of the problem first you have to define exactly how flushing is defined.

Frankly if you want to flush your plants, or do anything else, enjoy they are your plants. We've discussed this before. I have no problem with what you do. But we do have 1 person here who has the actual ticket to that discussion.
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