hey all...I have been using cree bulbs now for about my last two grows. I am just doing one at a time for personal smoke, in my homemade little grow box, so I have been battleing heat issues since I first started trying to grow in this thing....started with CFL's, to hot. moved on to these new cree style with a built on heat sink, and they cut down the heat drastically, and I have been using those the last two grows, and they have done their job. I think flowering they could had been better when it comes to light penetration, as it will grow some thick buds, but I just don't feel like it gets it quite all the way done....don't get me wrong, you can get some great smoke, and pretty tight buds at that, it just feels a little "half cooked" if you will, but that's not my issue anyway....I was at home depot the other day, and noticed after I was there just 6 months ago, and bought oh, say$200 in bulbs, just to turn around and see these newest "new" ones, and bought a few, they are freaking awesome IMO. Yes they have less warrenty, and yes, they feel flimsy, but side by side, they put out the same amount of lumens, and they are still side firing style bulb, they run a HELL of a lot cooler then the ones I JUST bought!!! I now want to run all these style, and I am sure my box would be running perfect temp closed, or open door. that says a lot, cause I have lost a plant when I didn't open the door for 8 hours once, with CFL's, and it got to about 120F and killed my baby. that's where the heat battle began. I am satisfied with wat I got, but I tell ya, these new ones are more disposable, and cheaper, wont last as long, but they put out a shit load of light with little heat. seems to be a win win, just gotta replace them more often.
well, that is my take on them, but I still haven't USED the newest style for a grow, I am curious if any of you guys have tried them and what you think of them.
I have been toying with the idea of building a led light board using the diodes of the bulbs, and these newest ones are practically taken apart already, I don't think it would be to hard, and you could get a fucking shitload of light outta putting 20 of them diodes on a board....
that again, is another topic, I just really want to know how they work, if they are as good as their predecessor and etc etc....
thanks guys.