Critical kush mainlined


Well-Known Member
Wow that is great to hear! and thats not even cured or dry and it smokes like that! Wow im excited now! :lol:

I keep going back to look at those sticks, they look like fuckin electricity flowing through them i love it.

And no larf or popcorn buds like planned! That is great.


Active Member
Hey captain, you pretty amazed me with your growing style also with your kind of lightning. Cree bulbs? never heard of them before... So you can replace cfl's with cree bulbs? What spectrum is for veg and what for flower? Your girl is sexy, damn!


Well-Known Member
I think he answered this in another thread, he just hit below 1 gram per watt, i think 9.10 or something

185 grams I believe he said?

It's somewhere around the LED forums lol


Well-Known Member
Sorry about not posting my totals here,posted them in another thread and I guess I forgot to post them here. I haven't been around for a few months.
It came out to 183 grams and .915 grams per watt.