Flowering time - is moving the "dawn" hour an issue?


Active Member
Hi folks,

I have two plants vegging under 250W cfl on a 18/6 cycle with dawn at 8AM, now im about to put them into 12/12 and 400W hps. Its my first grow going quite painfully from the start as i didnt fully think it through, but what i also didnt realize is that this hps bulb is a flippin furnace compared to that cfl and now Im kinda worried about leaving it unattended for 8 hours a day when i go to work. So my question is basically if its ok to move the dawn hour or should i really leave it as it is? Any input is appreciated.


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The light cycle can be modified. When going from veg to flower you can change it up to whatever suits you. You can always add more dark time to change when the lights come on but never more light once you flip to 12/12.