Flowering problems


Hey so I have plants going under some shop lights was growing them out for clones there under a 24 cycle non auto but a few are showing sex? Is it because the lights? and can I take clones still or are they just gonna keep flowering. My plan was to put the clones outside. Am I fucked?


Well-Known Member
yes! A mature plant shows sex. it's not in flower they are pre flowers. you switch to 12/12 they will start to flower or wen you put them outside and the days get short
even with them still being under a 24/0 schedule??


Well-Known Member
funny how you always read that you have to send them into 12/12 to sex them. or i have even read to cover lower branches to create a 12/12 to sex them. an old timer told me he can sex them without them being on 12/12, i posted that just week ago or so and got shit for it!!


Well-Known Member
funny how you always read that you have to send them into 12/12 to sex them. or i have even read to cover lower branches to create a 12/12 to sex them. an old timer told me he can sex them without them being on 12/12, i posted that just week ago or so and got shit for it!!
A lot of shit givers around these parts.... Some people like to sex them early before they put a lot of work in to training them. If you are only veging them a few weeks then yes you need to 12/12 to sex them up but if you know what to look for avg get yourself a magnifying glass you can sex them usually for me around 5 weeks


Active Member
yes! A mature plant shows sex. it's not in flower they are pre flowers. you switch to 12/12 they will start to flower or wen you put them outside and the days get short
I read, (on here), only clones show pre flowering. thats not true?

Hmm, i suppose that is definitely good to know..

I veged mine out for 2 months, didnt see any sexing... and mine was flowering when I got it... and put it back to veging.


Well-Known Member
It takes forever in veg for a plant to show sex. It will but most are not willing to wait that long.