flowering clones?


Well-Known Member
I heard it is possible instead of flowering a whole plant to crop it down into clones?
And once they take root put them to 12/12 and begin flowering individually?

The idea is that you can use small cups essentially going back to the basic setup of seedlings.
Each cutting would develop its own root system instead of every cutting relying on one root system.
By interfering and rooting each branch do you think that it would raise or lower your yield?

Some obvious pro's and con's.
For it: Each cutting would be seperate, having its own root system.
Would receive more light than if attached to the plant as it wont be hidden under fan leaves.

Against it: It takes time to root clones, and the success rate isn't always 100%
It could also stress the plant causing it to take longer to switch to flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm aware people take clones in order to sex them.
The idea is would you get a higher yield from cutting down most of the plant or by just leaving it alone to grow au natural?
What'd'ya think :)


Well-Known Member
ive heard of it being done, but I wouldn't put them right into flower, id wait a week or 2 for them to root and veg a little first


Well-Known Member
if you are talking about taking a plant with buds already on them and you want to cut the tops off the plant and clone the flowers??? after they root or if they root you then want to put them in a 12/12 to increase the size of the flowers that you cut off the original plant?? is this correct??

first off cutting tops off a flowering plant and cloning the top all the thc compounds will leach out while getting roots because its not growing its rooting, also when or if they do root they will not get any bigger unless you let then vegg out they will only stay the same size and not do to good with thc.. BUT if you take clones from a plant that has a very small flower on it then after it roots it will increase in size and potency they kinda grow out like a softball size bud and thats it. . i have experimented with this in the past when i started to learn to clone.. i tried cloning everything on the plant at all stages. but your more then welcome to prove me wrong..


Well-Known Member
I mean cropping it down into say 10 or 20 clones. Allowing the clones to root, vegging them for a week or 2, and then flowering them individually.
Would the branches that you cloned create bigger buds grown alone -compared- to letting them start budding on the plant as a whole as mother nature intended?

I mean, a lot of people argue that topping increases yield, so in some cases interference can be beneficial, however others argue natural christmas-tree buds produce more.
So would this be theoretical? Or illogical?