flower under 6500k cfl?


Well-Known Member
I'm a newbie here. I've been reading a book, Elite Growing. The author says, among many other things, when a plant has three pairs of true leaves, more blue spectrum of light increases chances of females from your seed. High humidity, lower temps, increasing level of N, lowering level of K, low environmental stress, lower hrs of daylight (14 hrs) and soaking seed in Gibberillic acid. Until you can sex clones, all of these things will increase females from regular seed. Sexing your plants will also cause undue stress, thus the reason for using clones. Great book with a lot of awesome info. The author says true females exist in the gene pool, and only stressing plants to the max will reveal them. Indicas are much easier to identify than Sativas.
Thats some good info, nice avatar. That is a great book. I assume you mean switching the lights to show sex and then switching them back to veg will cause undue stress, thus the reason we sex clones to determine this instead of our mother plants. Dont stress your plants to the max, theres easier ways. Nice avatar...


haha that was an interesting read! once you get past all the negativity (which shouldnt be on here since its a site for discussions and sharing information) theres alot of good info and advise. for this grow i scratched the whole box idea and im just using my closet for the current grow while i set up my boxes and get ready for bigger and better runs!


Well-Known Member
haha that was an interesting read! once you get past all the negativity (which shouldnt be on here since its a site for discussions and sharing information) theres alot of good info and advise. for this grow i scratched the whole box idea and im just using my closet for the current grow while i set up my boxes and get ready for bigger and better runs!
i think you'll be happier going that route man, maybe you'll be able to transition from your closet directly into a tent and spare yourself the labor of building yourself cabs, i've built a few and it can be very satisfying but a tent goes up in a minute and that's worth something, lol.

...also, while it can be helpful keeping a thread going and it can be a social experience too, you should look to get the majority of your information proactively by reading as many long threads you can find that seem to be on topics of interest to you, topics that might help you meet your personal goals.

...learning in this way serves you on multiple levels most important of which is you can be much more sure of your conclusions, when you ask question you elicit answers that may or may not be the correct answers. ...you will also learn MANY things that you weren't even looking for.

keep up the good work and don't ever give up, growing and learning, the more you learn, the more you grow, ...as a person.

peace, bozo


yea im thinking about scratching the whole cab idea completely and just making a couple tents for veg and flower, like you said they go up quick and can be torn down even quicker :P