Flower Fuel

You don't know what they need or if they could benefit from vitamins. Sounds like you need the Geritol.

I know that cannabis and tens of thousands of other plant species were growing just fine for tens of thousands of years without the need for snake oil products containing vitamins and amino acids.

And yes I know what plants need. That's why I grow healthy plants from start to finish and not just cannabis. I grow vegetables, flowers, and all kinds of plants and have been for decades long before guys like you decided to grow a plant for the first time and then bought into all the cannabis specific marketing bull crap. All without the need to give them what they make on their own. Other than growing indoors under lights I treat cannabis like any other plant. I feed it what it wants and let it grow. No unnecessary crap targeted at naive cannabis growers.

Just like my vegetables and flowers my cannabis grows lush and healthy from start to finish. So keep on trolling but as far as this worthless thread is concerned I'm rolling on out.




Then dont say your going to do something then back out, which means your Not a person of your word!

Btw idont care to see titties, I have a pair, thanks for the idol words though...just wanted to see if you would, but you didnt so now I know...
Then dont say your going to do something then back out, which means your Not a person of your word!

Btw idont care to see titties, I have a pair, thanks for the idol words though...

It's pretty gullible to believe it was a serious offer then get butthurt about it when I won't show you my wife's boobs.
I know that cannabis and tens of thousands of other plant species were growing just fine for tens of thousands of years without the need for snake oil products containing vitamins and amino acids.

This is silly. Advances in agriculture occur. It isn't snake oil just because you say so. You haven't tried the product and have no idea if it works or not.
It was about what you said You were going to do not me! I didnt ask, you offered. And fell through...

So now I know you'll say anything to get a response, which is wrong to do in the first place!
But whatever.
It was about what you said You were going to do not me! I didnt ask, you offered. And fell through...

So not I know you'll say anything to get a response, which is wrong to do in the first place!
But whatever.

For those of you in the audience, Lemon69 voted for calling plants girls "creepy" in exchange for a pic of my wife's tits. He actually thought this would happen. Now he's mad about it.
This is silly. Advances in agriculture occur. It isn't snake oil just because you say so. You haven't tried the product and have no idea if it works or not.

OK last post.

By absorbing nutrients from the ground and converting sunlight into energy, plants generate the vitamins and nutrients necessary for all life. We feed plants nutrients and then they use those nutrients in conjunction with photosynthesis to produce vitamins. That's why a fruit like an orange is high in Vitamin C even though they're never fed vitamin C. Plants make the vitamins they need and then we eat the plants that contain the vitamins we need. Is pretty simple stuff. The kind of stuff some of us learned in grade school decades ago but apparently is no longer taught which is why so many adults like yourself are unable to understand such simple concepts and instead are driven by marketing claims from some cannabis specific nutrient company that's just after your money.

Yes advances in agriculture occur but Flower Fuel or anything in it are not advances. They're fertilizers that have been used for decades.

The main ingredients are:

monopotassium phosphate
potassium sulfate
magnesium sulfate

All extremely inexpensive salts. I could mix up 5 lbs of that crap for the price of one of those tiny 8.7 oz containers. The phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, boron and molybdenum are already present in ample quantities in the inexpensive base nutrients I use. I could care less about the B1 or some other crap they put in it.

For a few dollars more I can get a 1 pound box of each of these and have everything they put in that silly little container except for the unnecessary vitamin B1.



OK last post.

I doubt it.

BTW, 'professor', Vitamin C can be added for other purposes. You foolishly assumed its only for nute uptake. And you also foolishly assumed there is no benefit to uptake. So you just wrote a bunch of navel gazing irrelevant words. Pretty much like the rest of your comments ITT.
Chelated nutrients are better because they help with intake, as explained here:

when i did my first grow, i used only maxi bloom with guano a + b in my own mix, i dont remember anymore ( i did extended research on it, but it was 8 years ago), and when i was out of guano bat shit i used only maxi and my plants didnt like it, so my dear agro friend told me to use food for orchids because they are the most sensitive cunts of a plant and food for them need to be made with special care (prob unicorn hair and baby tears), and indeed the one i bought had most of nutrients chelated... that being said, my plants were monsters, fan leaves were as big as my head, i could wrap my head with 2 and choke myself with them, i got 392 grams dry under about 450w (600w on the box * 0.2 chinese bullshit * 3,8 quality of leds type of light) blurple (no enviro regulation), some friends said it was one of the best weed they tried, but hey i live in country where we have brick weed and brick weed sold as premium if youre alone and skinny/weak enough...

that being said, salts are for regulars who are just that, regular, and dont follow newest discoveries and techniques in agriculture outside of cannabis forums... chelation really is a thing, and should be the norm, but hey, corporate greed and good old potheads who put dead fish in their soil somehow didnt catch up on this... i cant remember now which forms of which salts are better (there is a difference), and it doesnt say clearly which minerals are chelated, but it has kelp, so that is good... the bs part is that it has 8 ingredients, and that vitamin thing is pure hahahaha go and eat your crayons you mister ill-never-finish-high-school thing, even tough the form of vitamin b1 that FF contains (thiamine hydrochloride) is better than b1 we get in our daily pilz, b1 does absolutely nothing for the plants, it may help microbes in soil around roots and thus promote root health...
I use it, guess I got scammed, but I use it with megacrop and everyone hates on that too, funny thing is if I mix half and half with mc I get decent results. I only 1/4th the recommended dosage otherwise it burns. two doses week 4 and 5ish, wish I read this sooner