Flower Fuel

You started off asking for opinions, shortly after you're selling the stuff. Opinions mean fuckall to you, cuz u got it figured out already.
Like I need to imply shit, lol

No one here has used it. People are experts at shitting on things they haven't used. So no one has offered a useful opinion so far, especially you.
Hopefully they list the 40 ingredients somewhere or who knows what is in it, the label doesn’t list anywhere near 40 ingredients. I Hope it works good for you.

Only 40 ingredients? I have a product that has over 70 minerals and trace elements. It's called Azomite. I paid around $30 for a 44 lb bag. They won't list the 40 ingredients because it's all junk that either the plant doesn't need, is already present in soil, is produced by the plant, or is provided by just base nutrients.