Florida Growers Thread


Active Member
Yeah, like K2, Serenity Now, stuff like that. It's herbs laced with JWH-018 - a synthetic THC. Very good stuff. Not a replacement so much, but a damn good substitute when you can't get the real thing (or am impatient like me and don't want to go another three months before my plant's done)


Well-Known Member
im right by tampa. its sad cause if growing were legal we would all probably be chillin burnin tradin clones and seeds and whatnot. Sad : *( . I bet a lot of us are cool as hell.


Active Member
im right by tampa. its sad cause if growing were legal we would all probably be chillin burnin tradin clones and seeds and whatnot. Sad : *( . I bet a lot of us are cool as hell.
Bro i feel ya on this!!! hahaha im going to the rays game on satday. there playing the Dbags, i mean dbacks. lol life in florida would be so much better if we didnt have the pill mills running here, making all the lobbyist $$$$$$$$$ up the ass and them knocking the weed trade because we all have that on lock down already! we are the next cali and thats what i think they know and are affraid of!


Active Member
shit man i wish we were the next cali if that were the case shit i would be getting a job as a medicinal marijuana grower hahaha!!!! but i wish we had the laws like cali here shit would be great!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah man tell me about it id love to have a few other budys that grow i know of a few but no one indoors and perpetual like i do. would be nice to try each others harvest and trade clones seeds bud and whatnot, in a perfect world i guess :p


Active Member
Not too far from Daytona - about 45 minutes.

And you're all right... It'd be awesome to know other people who were into this like I am - even the lady of the house doesn't care for it... but considering I'm the one who pays for most everything, she doesn't say too much. It's a shame that I can't invite buds over to share in the awesome.


Well-Known Member
im in tampa
Me too. But im sorry to say I will never tell you who I am Or where at in Tampa I live. Anyways I found out how to get rid of spider mights. I picked up a can of RID lice spray thats used to spry beds and furniture. I got it at wallmart. I sprayed my plants 3 days in a row with it and It worked They are gone. Thanks rid.


Well-Known Member
i also live near tampa about 50 mins drive away but dont pm me plz although id love to be able to share my bud and seeds with you other fla growers it is just too risky to tell me real location and or any personal info needed for the trade. Its nothing against you i just gotta look out for my well being :p