Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
100% agreed...

Anyone can have the same results...

With any style of grow...

Give your plants good light... good nutes... good temps and rh... and they will thrive...:-P

Just like that...:lol:

ANYONE can do it...:hump: hell I did it... and I'm an idiot!!!:o :clap::-P

Gypsy I agree with your statements yet i disagree your statement on calling yourself an idiot. You took the time and took the chances before knowing the outcome. We can see by the pics it has benefited very much and you should be rewarded for your success ! Congrats man and lots of more successful grows your way! Pls wish the same for me.



Well-Known Member
I get some "dro every once and while that looks a lil pressed like your bud........how does that happen and how do I get my buds like that?

I thinking it might be from vacum sealing it


Well-Known Member
I get some "dro every once and while that looks a lil pressed like your bud........how does that happen and how do I get my buds like that?

I thinking it might be from vacum sealing it
Thanks melted! It was sum sure dank. Just got done smoking a blunt after my 2nd round go at making bubble hash. It turned out great! Drying now.... so Ill have sum nice smoke in the morning.

Oh and Natrone the buds werent vacum sealed. i hate vacum sealed brick weed thats pushed together. The buds are just so sticky and thc crystalls galore it just compacts together when it was bagged. I hate to keep my buds compact so ill will usually air tight them in my bud jars to keep fresh n fluffy.

Keep Tokin Floridians! :bigjoint:bongsmilie:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Here is some of my own bud porn since you guys are posting yours. My 2 BlueSkunk and Diesel.

My set-up: Ebb Flow I got 3 plants in there You can't see the one in the back

The one to the left is the Diesel. Yes she is suffering some mG probs and her leaves got too close to my old reflector but that cola is sweet looking and smelling.
The one to the right is the Blueberry and when I touch her she makes me smell like blueberrys smells soooo gooood.

Side shot...still can't see the blueberry skunk in the back she is hiding.

A close up bear in mind this is with a camera phone using a 40x magnifying glass.

The Silver Fox

Active Member
man if i still had a place to grow i would have good shit like that ^^ but i cant grow no more because i had to move but i would pay some serious cash for some green like that. nice buds bro.

im in tampa if anyone has some extra bud lying around and needs some cash pm me


Well-Known Member
man if i still had a place to grow i would have good shit like that ^^ but i cant grow no more because i had to move but i would pay some serious cash for some green like that. nice buds bro.

im in tampa if anyone has some extra bud lying around and needs some cash pm me

aint near tampa buddy :wall: Wish we all had extra bud lyin around. perhapse better luck planting a seedling? :leaf:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Wish I had thrown some seeds around on every golf course I've played in my area when I had the golf bug. But hey, if it weren't for golf I wouldn't be growing now. Me and my partner are chasing the ball around one day and he gets to talking about buying seeds on the internets. That was last year and life hasn't been the same. I had no idea, completely clueless that such a thing was possible. Gypsy, you mention finding exotic strains and tastes, I'm hoping my caramelicious is just that. It's forty percent sativa (which will eventually get me to why I'm posting) and sixty indica. As far as hippies go, I don't know where the time went, but I'm now a senior citizen but still a hippie inside. Seeing the Eagles and Yes together for five bucks, tripping my brains out at the Electric Factory in philly watching arthur brown light his head on fire. I was sixteen in 69'. I find your posts interesting.

So, on to the question. I grew up smoking sativa, my partner right out of high school went to south america for six months courtesy of selling sativa. I want to grow some but the height concerns me. Can you bend any kind of marijuana plant? Is there a way to keep the height at reasonable levels to grow inside? I would guess I have room for a four foot plant in a room with an eight foot ceiling using hid lamps? If anyone knows of a fifty-fifty blend of sativa/indica that would also be good or even sixty/forty sativa dominant.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I know man...

I almost didn't open my mouth...

But it was exactly the "poor working slob" part that gave the incentive to write...

Being a working stiff is all the more reason, if not the main one, for having the most efficient set up...

Think of it in terms of value...

If you can produce 1 gram of smoke-able bud per watt (read dollars) burned...

You have a much "cheaper" or "budget" bud production that if you are producing 0.3 grams per watt...

Each gram of bud, forever, will be cheaper to produce...

And since we (hopefully) only buy our equipment once (if you planned).. and the harvests will keep coming for years and years...

You can see how quickly the op pays for the equipment and extra electric consumption...

If you really are on a budget..

If you really are a working stiff...

Shouldn't you be concentrating on producing the best quality at the lowest cost...?

Think about it...


I know we want to grow now.. and we do...

I vote for minor tweaks on your current op until you can you take the next step... and make it the last step ever...

Try the same grow a few more times... experiment with it..

Try to raise your yield using the same light...

Then, when the time comes, apply all of this newly gained knowledge to your new grow...

But that's just me...

I like dank and I like to be able to produce it at as low a cost to me as possible...

I will not blame you if you tell me you're not into it...

It's a lot of money...

But I get scared and pissed just thinking of how much I have spent on shy bags of shwagg...

So it really seems like the best idea again... regardless of the initial set-up cost...

Get a piggy bank...

or buy one piece at a time...

Just be sure that you have a complete package deal on a system (even if it's a DIY project) and a method BEFORE you spend a single cent...

Cheers Bro..!!!

I wish all the best whatever route you choose!!!:clap::clap::razz:
So I'm reading through the thread and I just re-read your response to my question. I are the poor working slob, there are no ifs, the budget thing, I am right now until the three people I'm supporting leave, hopefully soon. Knowing t5 high output lamps do not do a good job of penetrating the canopy, I bent my plants and tied them down and I'm hoping it increases my yield by at least twenty five percent if I hadn't. I would wait for a few more grows but this one will be done in a few more weeks and having to drool over your pictures constantly is just driving me crazy. It is not nice to treat old people this way. I came across this system after searching around enough to become crosseyed. I figure if I buy it in bits and pieces, the shipping alone will add way to much to the final cost.

The shipping is also free on this setup. Whatya' think?
