Flavoring weed. if sweet can pull it off, how is it impossible?


Well-Known Member
I've seen several threads on feeding flavor to your buds without any response except the best you can do is sugar and molasses. Yet Sweet makes a wild berry one that effects the flavor of the finished product, therefore its obviously possible, but the question becomes, how?! using natural juices such as berry juices for the sugars?

Any info or ideas would be helpful...

and don't waste space with "why would you want to do that?!" cuase I prefer as pure sativa as I can get, and most of the flavored weed I want to try is all indica dominant, including the bubble gum I just got, so it would rock to be able to get those cool flavors with the high that I prefer...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If sweet is the stuff i've used (small eye dropper sized bottle, few drops, leave to dry, smoke, then it's crap.

That stuff certainly makes the weed smell great, but it does not burn to that flavour ;)

edit: you're talking about something different, ignore me :)


Well-Known Member
In this grow I'm going to attempt using kool-aid on a small group of clones, another group raspberry (literally crushed raspberries), most of them with molasses, and a small control group without any flavor, or molasses. I know the color will transfer, most of us saw that done on roses with food coloring as kids, Dying the bud through the roots is obviously easy, I just hope that flavoring it is, though I doubt it... :(

Tip top, no, I know what your talking about, this was a carbo loader thats added to the hydro system or soil, contains alot of complex sugars to help...basically, like adding molasses, but its supposedly way better...they started coming out with flavors, 2 I know of, that are said to actually carry through to your bud...

though I agree with you on the drops...can't stand that shit...it'll ruin swag...taste to me like a flavored blunt rap was shredded and mixed in with my weed...


Well-Known Member
ive used the berry and citrus sweet there mainly for carbs, ive used it through more than several in/out grows that stuff does nothing for taste . i still use it but like i said its a good source of carbs, but does nothing for taste.


Well-Known Member
:?...then whats the point in having citrus or berry, packaging?

though thank you for the input, coming from a user this is most appreciated :) rep+

so have you noticed any difference between the two, all other things being equal?


Well-Known Member
the dude at the hydro store tried to tell me the grape was for your purples and citrus was fo strains like sd and lemon skunk. i have used it through flower indoors and out and it has no affect whatsoever on the nugs, due was just trying to get tha shit ou of his store lol.


Active Member
Sounds like a gimmick to me, I don't think adding things like that to the soil while it's growing will cause it to ultimately change the taste. I mean, what about growers who use bat guano? Would the bud end up tasting like poo? lol


Well-Known Member
†LOL† okay, so the sweet is dead in this discussion....back to the drawing board, anyone have any luck with any method of altering the flavor, and I don't mean superficially by adding to the bud, I mean through feeding when its still developing to influence the flavor of whats being created...

livingfree, again, some things carry through, some dont', dyes for instance do, but using bat guano won't give your bud the color of shit, LOGIC FAIL... ;)

keep in mind I'm not talking about getting rid of a bad taste, I know to flush and cure properly, I'm just trying to add taste variety to my favorite sativa strains...


Well-Known Member
oh and about the bat guano yes a little goes a long way and it will actually make your buds taste like bat shit. i was telling someone earlier that i was given 3 samples to try at the local nursery when i went and gought guano he said they were examples of nugs that had been hit with too much guano.....and yes it taste like horrible bat shit.


Active Member
oh and about the bat guano yes a little goes a long way and it will actually make your buds taste like bat shit. i was telling someone earlier that i was given 3 samples to try at the local nursery when i went and gought guano he said they were examples of nugs that had been hit with too much guano.....and yes it taste like horrible bat shit.
haha, really? Thank god I haven't run into any of that shitty (in a literal sense) weed.


Well-Known Member
its out there and im glad i found out about it before i fkd my plants up....cause lotts of people i know are just pounding there plants with it


New Member
There is a trick a lot of people have used by curing their buds in a jar with say a sliver grapefruit skin or dehydrated strawberries or whatever...its just you cure it with whatever flavor you want, also menthol on a cottonball or whatever flavor you want in the jar with the curing buds


Well-Known Member
Mate if you want nice smelly tasty bud, grow it properly...
JACKASS, READ THE OPENING OF THIS POST...sorry, probably a bit much, but fucking hell, really? I know you can read or you wouldn't be here...You havn't been paying attention to shit have you, instead you just start typing shit

1) I"M NOT TRYING TO IMPROVE THE FLAVOR, I'M TRYING TO ALTER IT and no, growing properly by itself won't do it without a proper cure, you'll have gorgeous bud that taste like hay

2) I can get my full moon to taste as delicious as it can by itself, but if I want it to have for instance a slight strawberry flavor for variety in taste while keeping the high I'm so fond of, well than your suggestion is worth bat shit....

speaking of brick, thats funny as hell...and a proof of concept that it should be possible...

Deprave, yea, I know that trick, but thanks, thats at least a noble addition of info....unlike some asshole ignoring all the post and assuming what a thread is about...