Flash Babylon Auto.....First attempt with a good seed


Well-Known Member
And the temps have been right between 80 & 82 with the highest being 84. That is degrees in Farenheit. She was fed 1/4 strength bloom nutes last night as well.


Well-Known Member
So what do you all think of her? According to attitude, I should only have 23 days left. In you opinions, from how she looks right now, does that seem pretty accurate? Also, what do you think my approximate dry yield could be? Sorry for all the newbie questions, but gotta learn somehow :)


Well-Known Member
The temps haven't risen above 82 degrees F. When I checked her today, I knew I would be needing to water tomorrow. Last water she was fed 1/2 strength bloom nutes, and that was about 3 days ago and she responded very well. She took almost a full gallon (she is in a 3 gallon smart pot). Should I feed her every other watering? If so, can I bump it to full strength nutes with next feeding? Any idea of approximate yield? I can't seem to find any grow journals or anywhere with actual results from this strain. I am hoping for about 3 zips, but will be happy with 2. Maybe that is all just wishful thinking, but no harm in dreaming :)

I also plan on ordering this grow tent. What do you all think about it? How many autos could I fit it there and all of them get appropriate light? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002TZTS8E/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER


Well-Known Member
looking good i think it looks like me and you are around the same time to harvest mine suppose to b dun by the 10th aug


Well-Known Member
yeah i do but i aint bin on ere in a while and carnt remember wtf to do with pictures and that but i'll see wot i can do.carnt find pc cable for camera either