"Fk the NRA"

The same reason Mueller didnt find any Russian collusion
mueller has found collusion with russia though

Show me where fewer people are buying guns, cause that's not true. You can keep making shit up all you want, doesnt mean its true. Everytime there is a shooting, or talks about banning guns, Americans arm themselves more. And more. And more.
I'm not making shit up. The data are readily available. You simply aren't equipped to understand it. Obama drove gun sales through the roof. Every gun owner went out and bought more. Same happens every time the gun lobby creates another mass shooting incident. It's great for their industry. They know time is limited so they drive you idiots to buy more.

How many guns to you own? I'm guessing at least five.
A mass murder is 3 or more people. That's how its classified in America. Try and change the numbers to suit you and your going to see the numbers you want
Lmao but go ahead.
OK, so then the number of mass murders where three or more were killed:

Australia, 1997-2018: 6

Dude, you are really, really bad with numbers. Can you count change?
OK, so then the number of mass murders where more than three were killed:

Australia, 1997-2018: 6

Dude, you are really, really bad with numbers. Can you count change?
But wait. You said how many? ZERO? so you were wrong. And I proved you wrong.
you think trump's son, son in law, and campaign manager are having meetings with russian spies in trump tower and not telling trump?

you're dumb as shit
Lol Obama had trump wire tapped for Hillary Clinton. And they still have 0 evidence
you think trump's son, son in law, and campaign manager are having meetings with russian spies in trump tower and not telling trump?

you're dumb as shit
I love knowing that your blood just boils knowing there is a rich white man running this country lmao makes me all giddy inside.