"Fk the NRA"

MA being Massachusetts not Maryland (MD)
The are all fly speck sized east coast states to me.. I'll bet that whichever backwater (MA or MD) state you live in the reason you have stricter gun laws is because the people in your state support them.

The "slippery slope" argument is a lie by the NRA.
The are all fly speck sized east coast states to me.. I'll bet that whichever backwater (MA or MD) state you live in the reason you have stricter gun laws is because the people in your state support them.

The "slippery slope" argument is a lie by the NRA.
I respectfully disagree
I should clarify i disagree with the second part, as for the first unfortunately for me i do live in an area that in general disagrees with me so they have passed these laws and i live with them, in reality the gun controls that people are fightjng over are already in place here, i think that the reason im arguing here is misunderstood, i dont disagree with logical gun control application like storage or age limits, im here because the thread is called “f* the NRA” and all i ever see is the attacks going towards gun owners because they support the only organization that does anything to support their second amendment rights, i think probably if the gun owners back in the day didnt feel vilified and their rights threatened to an extreme, the NRA wouldnt even be as much of a lobbying force as its had to evolve into
I should clarify i disagree with the second part, as for the first unfortunately for me i do live in an area that in general disagrees with me so they have passed these laws and i live with them, in reality the gun controls that people are fightjng over are already in place here, i think that the reason im arguing here is misunderstood, i dont disagree with logical gun control application like storage or age limits, im here because the thread is called “f* the NRA” and all i ever see is the attacks going towards gun owners because they support the only organization that does anything to support their second amendment rights, i think probably if the gun owners back in the day didnt feel vilified and their rights threatened to an extreme, the NRA wouldnt even be as much of a lobbying force as its had to evolve into
the NRA ensures that mass murderers are the best equipped they can be to massacre massive amounts of people

the NRA is a terrorist organization

fuck the NRA and its toadying apologist white fanbois like you
I should clarify i disagree with the second part, as for the first unfortunately for me i do live in an area that in general disagrees with me so they have passed these laws and i live with them, in reality the gun controls that people are fightjng over are already in place here, i think that the reason im arguing here is misunderstood, i dont disagree with logical gun control application like storage or age limits, im here because the thread is called “f* the NRA” and all i ever see is the attacks going towards gun owners because they support the only organization that does anything to support their second amendment rights, i think probably if the gun owners back in the day didnt feel vilified and their rights threatened to an extreme, the NRA wouldnt even be as much of a lobbying force as its had to evolve into
Poll: Mass. voters favor tougher gun laws, red flag bill

Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingne...ters-favor-tougher-gun-laws-red#ixzz5FuSbLBWc

So it's not a slippery slope argument you have at all. It's "I support the NRA". That I can understand if not agree with. The NRA is opposed to any and all gun regulations whether they say so or not. They will fight each and every attempt, regardless of how many people will die. How many before they are finally defeated? I figure at least 10 years or about 50 thousand more dead, maybe upwards of 100k dead. If you want to support that organization then the blood is on your hands.

Fk the NRA and their supporters. The NRA is a morally corrupt organization.
Gun control laws are stiff in Maryland because people in Maryland want them.

The slippery slope argument is false. When the majority of voters want stiff laws they get them. It's democracy in action not "give an inch and they take a mile" bs.

Slippery slopes are valid concerns. Out here in Cali, we're a sanctuary state. NOW they want illegals to vote AND hold elected office.
Form an organization that defends my 2a rights as effectively as the NRA machine and ill switch my membership!
Why don't gun owners form an organization that is rational towards gun control and protects their rights? I'm not a gun owner, why do I have to pander to you?

The tide has already turned. The majority by a large margin support restricting the sales of certain guns and other rational measures to keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them Why don't gun owners take ownership for reducing non-suicide gun deaths? I don't really care about your 2A, I think it's time pay attention to the "well regulated" part of that amendment.

If gun owners don't start working with non-gun owners (65% of all households don't own a gun) then the non-gun owners will do it without them. I can assure you that you won't like what we do if you don't work with us.