Ya this topic had gone on in a lot of threads and still facts are facts. SAG is an inferior product to keep your res healthy. Just because it has so much more live bacteria didn't make it better. It's not even the same strain of bacteria either. It's actually counter intuitive.
In regards to hydroponic applications, don't think there are any hard facts from actual scientific research yet comparing the different strains. If it does exist I would love to read it. Only thing we do have are anecdotal experiences. It is debatable how much more effective. Works for me with reduce dosage. Even if the strain is less aggressive it is still way way cheaper & accessible.
People are using way too much SAG GFF and getting buildup due to excessive concentrations. To put in perspective, 1mL of GFF has 5x more Cfu than an entire 1L bottle of Hydroguard. My theory is with so much bacteria concentration they multiply like crazy, die off when food source depletes and leave gunk behind.
What if people apply the same excessive amount of Hydroguard would buildup still occur? Someone should try dumping several bottles in the reservoir to test.