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Five myths about immigration

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New Member
My apologies, I did not mean to ridicule or demean anyone with dyslexia. From previous posts by Rick, I understand he overcame some degree of dyslexia and is doing very well for himself. My hat is off to anyone who does the same. Again, my apologies for belittling the disease.


Well-Known Member
You are SOOOOOO right. It's not like the folks that the NAACP advocates for have faced centuries of slavery, racism, disenfranchisement, institutionalized discrimination, the achievement gap, socioeconomic imbalances, the poverty cycle.....those things never happened to black folks. It all happened to white folks at the hands of the blacks and so us whites need HATE groups (not advocacy groups) to help correct the imbalance.

Dear god, learn the difference between an ADVOCACY GROUP and a HATE GROUP before opening your mouth and proving your lack of knowledge and willful ignorance of history.
white people have faced the same challenges. where did the term slave come from? maybe from the slavic people? but thanks for taking me back to the 19th and 20th centuries seeing as i wasnt even talking about that time. im white, and im proud to be white, and im proud of my history. if im racist in doing so, then call me grand wizard. maybe the NAACP should of advocated that it was the africans themselves selling their own people. but nooo its all the evil whites fault. i could go on but id just be wasting my time. cant preach to the deaf. nice to see indoctrination paid off for you tho. and im sure we all thank you for the personal attacks on our intelligence.


New Member
when groups like NAACP gather, they're fighting for equality. but when the klan gathers, they're nothing but racist bigots trying to hang black people. or atleast thats what the media paints them as. affirmative action is just a fancy word for racism...
Here is the quote of yours I was responding to. Are you really putting the NAACP right on par with the KKK, or am I way off here?


Well-Known Member
Yet none of you have proven any of this. If illegals have lower incarceration rates, are paying taxes at a similar or greater number than citizens, and are increasing production for the economy... then whats the problem?

Racism? Ignorance? Misconceptions? Likely all of the above.
It's cheaper to deport illegals than keep them in jail.
If the illegals were not here the crime that they commit now would disappear completely. It has nothing to do with percentages. If they only commit 1 crime a year that's 1 crime that would not have been committed.
You are incorrect to say illegals pay the same if not more on taxes when many work in the contract labor field.
You ignore the drain the illegals cause with their anchor babies and the welfare that goes with them.
You ignore the government unemployment money and food stamps now being used by legals because illegals have taken their jobs as well as lowered the pay scale in the fields they infest. You ignore the fact that sleazy companies no longer pay benefits to legals because they can get illegals to do the job without benefits.
You ignore the fact that money is being spent on building schools to teach the anchor babies. Money that should be spent on legals.
Illegals have anchor babies here which drive up the costs because illegals babies have more problems and there fore costlier births.
Some money illegals make is sent home compared to legals who will spend it here.

but according to you I'm just an ignorant racist. What do I know.


white people have faced the same challenges. where did the term slave come from? maybe from the slavic people? but thanks for taking me back to the 19th and 20th centuries seeing as i wasnt even talking about that time. im white, and im proud to be white, and im proud of my history. if im racist in doing so, then call me grand wizard. maybe the NAACP should of advocated that it was the africans themselves selling their own people. but nooo its all the evil whites fault. i could go on but id just be wasting my time. cant preach to the deaf. nice to see indoctrination paid off for you tho. and im sure we all thank you for the personal attacks on our intelligence.

OH yes... the slavic people had a direct impact on on the history, economcs, and sociality of the United States. :clap: Blacks were never forced to work extreme hours for free, building the foundation of half of America, experienced racism, nor were jim crow laws in existence recent enough for many of our seniors to experience them...

excuse me!


Well-Known Member
Five myths about immigratiion

By Doris Meissner | Posted: Monday, May 3, 2010 12:00 am

Despite the fact that we are a nation of immigrants — or perhaps because of it — immigration continues to be one of America's most contentious topics. The new law in Arizona authorizing police to arrest individuals who cannot show documents proving that they are in the country legally has set off a fresh bout of acrimony. But as in the past, much of the debate is founded on mythology.

Myth — Immigrants take jobs from American workers.

Although immigrants account for 12.5 percent of the U.S. population, they make up about 15 percent of the workforce. They are overrepresented among workers largely because the rest of our population is aging: Immigrants and their children have accounted for 58 percent of U.S. population growth since 1980. Low U.S. fertility rates and the upcoming retirement of the baby boomers mean immigration is likely to be the only source of growth in the ‘prime age’ workforce — workers ages 25 to 55 — in the decades ahead.

It’s true that an influx of new workers pushes wages down, but immigration also stimulates growth by creating new consumers, entrepreneurs and investors. As a result of this growth, economists estimate that wages for the vast majority of American workers are slightly higher than they would be without immigration. U.S. workers without a high school degree experience wage declines as a result of competition from immigrants, but these losses are modest, at just over 1 percent.

Myth — Immigration is at an all-time high, and most new immigrants came illegally.

The historic high came more than a century ago, in 1890, when immigrants made up 14.8 percent off our population. Today, about two-thirds of immigrants are here legally, either as naturalized citizens or as lawful permanent residents. Of the approximately 10.8 million immigrants in the country illegally, about 40 percent arrived legally but overstayed their visas.

Although the unauthorized population includes more people from Mexico than from any other country, Mexicans are also the largest group of lawful immigrants.

Myth — Today's immigrants are not integrating into American life like past waves did.

The integration of immigrants remains a hallmark of America's vitality as a society and a source of admiration abroad. While some people complain that today's immigrants are not integrating into U.S. society as quickly as previous newcomers did, the same charge was leveled at virtually every past wave of immigrants, including the Germans, Irish and Italians who arrived in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Today, as before, immigrant integration takes a generation or two. Learning English is one key driver of this process; the education and upward mobility of immigrants’ children is the other. On the first count, today’s immigrants consistently seek English instruction in such large numbers that adult-education programs cannot meet the demand. On the second count, the No Child Left Behind Act has played a critical role in helping educate immigrant children.

Myth — Cracking down on illegal border crossings will make us safer.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, we have dramatically strengthened our borders through the use of biometrics at ports of entry, secure cargo-shipment systems, intelligence gathering, integrated databases and increased international cooperation. The Border Patrol has nearly doubled in size in the past five years, to more than 20,000 agents. The Department of Homeland Security says it is on schedule to meet congressional mandates for southwestern border enforcement, including fence-building.

The seasoned enforcement officials I have spoken with all contend that if we provided enough visas to meet the economy’s demand for workers, agents would be free to clamp down on drug-trafficking, smuggling and cartel violence.

Myth — Immigration reform cannot happen in an election year.

The politics of immigration can be explosive. However, all the significant immigration bills enacted in recent decades, one in 1980, others in 1986, 1990 and 1996, were passed in election years, often at the last minute and after fractious debates.

The to-do list for this Congress is substantial. But ruling out immigration reform would be a mistake. The outline for immigration legislation that Sen. Charles Schumer, D -N.Y., unveiled last week, together with the uproar over the Arizona law, may help convince lawmakers that there’s no time like the present.

(Meissner served as commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1993 to 2000. This essay first appeared in the Washington Post.)
What a load of pro mass-immigration, propaganda bullshit.

Immigrants do take jobs away from the already resident population and lowers wages.
It's mostly the working classes that are effected by this, which is why the middle-class liberals don't give a shit.

It doesn't matter if the current levels of immigration are at an all time high or an all time low. It still has the same effect, albiet on a larger or smaller scale.
Also, the levels of illegal immigration are always a lot higher then the powers that be are willing to admit to.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it because of your inability to understand economics and your inability to take the thought process to the next level. In a nutshell you don't understand the meaning "at what cost".
Although the welfare grabbing illegals are taking jobs there are other costs associated. They burden our schools and hospitals. A huge majority of illegals are working low paying jobs because immoral employers know they will work for the lower wages. If you don't understand that people with low paying jobs receive more in government aid then that's your failing.

two elementary schools in my area
Eligible for discounted/free lunch:
one school 1104 students 99% receive free or reduced lunch
another school 631 students 87% free lunch 7% reduced price lunch

Parker you seem to forget something that all your side bitch about. Those kids were mostly born here to be American citizens right? So now your crying about legal citizens getting free lunches and schooling, not illegal immigrants.

What you don't seem to get is that I am saying we need to educate the low skilled workers.

But no, you try to assume I don't understand economics and that all of you peoples fears of mexicans are justified. But instead of looking at what I am saying, you just dismiss and continue to sound like you all think, well who knows. And with all the crazy shit you all come up with, regardless of reality or logic, who cares right?

its soo funny how hannimal is getting pissed on by the government so they can have their precious votes, we are all getting pissed on by them but hanni pretends like its a good thing and opens his mouth lol

kinda like Stockholm syndrome,

you act as a elitist like you know everything.

have you ever said a humble thing on this site?

like " ok you guys are right, i was wrong"

in think your incapable of that from what ive seen so far but "maybe your right, i could be wrong" :razz:
Well then I am not surprised that you have not seen it, because you really seem stuck in your own world man. There has been plenty of times, off the top of my head I admitted I was wrong to Rickwhite a while ago and he was right with his views of gay rights.

The problem for you is that no matter how much information you see or actual data that shows where you are mistaken in your beliefs, you don't care. You continue to spout the same crazy views (not saying all your points are screwed up, but there has been a fair amount of tin foil worthy ideas you believe) regardless.

But see your 'woe is me' attitude towards the government is sad.

I am not emo enough to think that the government is out to get me, because it is not. You think your getting pissed on? God it must be horrible to have a place to live and a computer and internet. I mean that is practically third world type shit there.

And as far as being humble, I try to be, but with the stupidity that gets tossed around here anything said that has actual facts to back it up is looked at like it is somehow not being humble. And since your main viewpoints on everything seem to come from youtube I guess I can see why you would think that I am not being humble.

But since you believe so much garbage I am not worried that there is a little more stuffed in there about me.

some nerve these people telling us we should spend even more on illigal immagrants while our nation is crumbling to the ground

you guys dont realize it but obama and his cronies hate capitalism and thier true aim is to destroy it to usher in thier socialist "fundimental transformation of America"

you dont have to even belive that hes doing it on purpose (which he is but he has to dance a fine line to trick the fools), but its exactly what they are doing just open your eyes.

you remeber when the econmy first collapsed all of obams cronies were whispering here and there see capitolism is a failure looooooool

just like our socialist friend said a few posts back from UK

hes one of them.

bunch of losers destroying our country LOSERS who cant fend for themselves so they relie on a puppet master to spoon feed them while they pillage you fathers' nation

some of you guys are fucking disgracful
Enough said. You think that everyone hates America, woe is you.

Your life is so bad, because everyone is out to get you.

Get over it man, nobody is out to get you, and believe it or not, there are far more intelligent people working on trying to fix as many issues as possible than there are working on pumping out conspiracy theories that are fixed with hate you all seem so fond of.


Well-Known Member
LOL I'm dyslexic and I draw on people for a living. Seriously. And guess what else, I did fine in school, I had a 3.7 GPA in college.

Dont use that shit as a crutch or an excuse, deal with and move on w/ life.
I'm guessing you had computers when you went to school? I had to write out all my assignments by hand and use a library card catalog to find books in order to look stuff up. No word processors with spell check and no internet. And no understanding teachers. If our work was sloppy or misspelled, we were punished - no questions asked.

I did well in school too after returning as an adult and putting myself through college and I do well today. It is a real disability though and it is a lot worse for some than others. Strange though, you come off as a raging Liberal making excuses for people who make bad decisions in life and then when it comes to a genuine disability you call it a "crutch and excuse."

So I guess being Black is a disability in your mind but having a neurological brain condition that prevents one from being able to read isn't? Actually, that is the same attitude I heard in college. "So you're dyslexic; be thankful you aren't a minority."


Well-Known Member
lol are you serious do you no any one with dyslexia? and i dont have a excuse the class actually made me feel clever needless to say i was top of the class haha

the class moves to slow for them?? these fools couldnt even read one sentance without stuttering 100 times and gettin in a stress.

Einstein was dyslexic?? no he wernt youre just sayin that beacuse you are.

Are you some kind of troll or something? Do you understand it is a neurological disability that disturbs one's ability to read and or write?
It has nothing to do with intelligence. Do you also make fun of the blind or deaf for their disabilities? Really, judging from your own inability to use language I would suggest that if you are not dyslexic you are quite slow.


Active Member
I love how when you bring up figures and facts about the economic impact of immigration, some of you dismiss it as 'bullshit' or 'propaganda' immediately follow that up with racist and xenophobic tirades about how illegals are all criminals that are based on anecdotes or personal experiences.

And it's the 'pro-amnesty' crowd that plays on people's emotions rather than using facts....right.


Well-Known Member
I love how when you bring up figures and facts about the economic impact of immigration, some of you dismiss it as 'bullshit' or 'propaganda' immediately follow that up with racist and xenophobic tirades about how illegals are all criminals that are based on anecdotes or personal experiences.

And it's the 'pro-amnesty' crowd that plays on people's emotions rather than using facts....right.
Doris Meissner. The author of your bullshit propaganda: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/staff/index.php#Meissner

"She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations...."

Do you have any idea what the Council on Foreign Relations actually is? Their aim is to make Canada, the States and Mexico one large country. So of course she is going to be pro mass-immigration.

You might be easily fooled by propaganda but I'm not.


Active Member
From 1993 to 2000, she served in the Clinton administration as Commissioner of the INS, then part of the US Department of Justice. Her accomplishments included reforming the nation's asylum system; creating new strategies for managing US borders; improving services for immigrants; and shaping new responses to migration and humanitarian emergencies. She first joined the Department of Justice in 1973 as a White House Fellow and Special Assistant to the Attorney General and then served in various senior policy posts at Justice, including Acting Commissioner and Executive Associate Commissioner of INS.

In 1986, she joined the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace as a Senior Associate. Ms. Meissner created the Endowment's Immigration Policy Project, which became MPI in 2001.

Ms. Meissner's board memberships include Vice Chair of CARE-USA and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, University of Wisconsin (UW)-Madison. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Inter-American Dialogue, and the Pacific Council on International Policy. She is also a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.
Here's you guys for contrast... :



Active Member
My point was that she probably knows more about the issue than a bunch of xenophobic cannabis growers who refer to people as 'wetbacks'...

And my guess is she lives in DC. No immigrants there, you're right....

You probably think the UN is gonna invade too, right?


Well-Known Member
My point was that she probably knows more about the issue than a bunch of xenophobic cannabis growers who refer to people as 'wetbacks'...

And my guess is she lives in DC. No immigrants there, you're right....

You probably think the UN is gonna invade too, right?
She will live in a nice wealthy area of DC, not a lower-class area where immigrants are likely to settle, you fucking retard.

And yes, if you do not realise the difference between a nice, suburban, wealthy, spacious area of a city and a lower-class area of a city, you are indeed a retard.


Active Member
hey airwave how about you keep the insults to yourself and abide by the rules you agreed to when you signed up


Well-Known Member
So you and your buddies abe23,hanimmal and dukeofbaja can just keep calling people xenophobic,racist,bigots,homophobics and all the rest of the terms you and your kind like to throw around.

You 4 insult more peolpe than any others i have seen.

So you know where you can shove it........:finger:

You and your buddies are a waste of space on this planet.


Active Member
Xenophobe, racist and homophobe are not insults. They're words we use to describe certain points of view that are frowned upon by society and have a negative connotation for that reason, but they aren't insults. Bigot might be, I'm really not sure...but 'fucking retard' definitely is. Go ask rahm emmanuel.

I called estesj stupid at one point and it got removed as far as i can tell and i got warned. Can you show me where I insulted anyone? Or hanimal and dukeofbaja for that matter?

I think I might be done with this thread. Thanks to everyone who participated without being a dick!
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