Fist Grow EVER! Bag See... Looks Indica..

Should I start pruning some of the big fan leaves off to promote the "food flow" to the nodes? Or should I just continue with what I'm doing. I'll post "good" pics tonight. Or later. Love and peace Joey bozz
i would leave the fan leaves on and just keep doing what your doing. last time i saw penny she was looking like a quarter! jk i know that was corn balls but i had to say it anyways lol
i would leave the fan leaves on and just keep doing what your doing. last time i saw penny she was looking like a quarter! jk i know that was corn balls but i had to say it anyways lol

Buhuhahaha! Sad part is it took me legit a min to figure out what u were talking about. Lol I'm sky high.

Done than the same regimen shall follow. I want to get my friend to take some legit pics of penny. Make her like my "growtographer" so u guys can see all the hairs forming on the pre flowers. Oh man it's so pretty. I'll try and get some good pics up by tomorrow.
Yeah brother lets see some new pics! Loving this grow hope those babies turn out to be some super dank for ya.
I appreciate the mylar offer by the way, i really do man trust me.

Man this area where im at is so fuckin dry is killin me, when you can find it..fuckers are wanting to charge over 100 for an oz of reggie, some ole bullshit moldy smellin stuff you can tell came straight outta mexico at that. I just cant do it. Worse thing about it is, i have a sleeping disorder and i can't crash for more than an hour or 2 at a time when i don't have a toke before i lay down. Sometimes i wonder if thats all psychological, but regardless still seems to be the case.
Maybe i need to start germing my Dinafem Industrial Plant bean, want to use her for cloning actually...just don't have the setup for a mother plant just yet.Purchased a Mega Millions lotto ticket tonight keep your finger's x'd for me lol

Awesome journal man keep it up, and good lookin out, your a true stoner my friend :)
ask and you shall receive..












thanks hank.. i just watered her today with the same ive been doing... i figured i would give her the same for the first 3 weeks of flower, now for her next watering its gonna be a flush, than after that, im gonna start a higher PK and trace N and maybe start a bit of magcal/molasses in addition to seltzer water, i had posted on steves page about seltzer water, and i think im gonna mix my ferts into it and see if i get a dif reaction due to the O2 bubbles in the seltzer, i dunno if im right but it sound logical and scientific, so ill try it.. :) ill keep yall posted.. Love and peace Joey Bozz

edit: about the seltzer water, im just thinking i may have to be leary of salt build up, something that came to the back of my head.. so i figured i would jott it down to remember before i got and try it.. thats why this is a grow journal.. lolDURKA DURR
seems logical!! I cant wait to see how that works might be something I would want to try.
Note: was wrong about the bubbles. They are CO2 bubbles, so since plants inhale co2 and exhale oxygen, wouldn't roots like co2 as well? I'm still working out the formulas but we shall see when chem 101 has to tell me about water (H2O) with a carbon dioxide (CO2) introduction. I forgot what it makes. So I will edit as I calculate. Love and peace, Joey Bozz.
Ok so I dug thru my old chem booms and found that "fizzy" water is always H2CO3. With a ph between 3-4 you would have to add some sodium bicarbonate to level the PH but ur adding salts to the mix, but if done correctly (and using chem ferts) I don't see any harm in using fizzy water. Since water soluble ferts leave salt behind in the soil it wouldnt really if u were diligent on keeping up with salts. Also side note, if u do use chem ferts u can actually raise the ph with potassium salts. So I don't see any harm. But I would say it would be most ideally used for a hydro/aeroponic grow. I'm still gonna use it and try it. But u have my science behind it. If u do! USE IT WITH CAUTION! some knowledge of chemistry/botany may be required! Lol

I'll post more when I get on a computer cuz this was iPhone jumble, so please don't be too harsh. Just jotting down ideas. Love and peace, Joey Bozz

Edit. Although it sounds like a good idea it's not worth it, by adding the sodium bicarbonate it would neutralize the fizz any way so unless the chem fert ur using can raise ur ph or u can use ph up/down not a good idea. Too low of a ph. On the other hand if u have too high of a ph you may just be able to feed with seltzer water for one day than it may lower ur ph (use gradually) rather than ph up/down. So like everything else it has it's benefits and it's drawbacks. So yea it can be used in conjunction with a lot of other things, or just to neutralize ph from alkaline to more acidic.

Take it for what it's worth :)
sounds like an awful lot of work for something that may be slightly better then distilled water?? oh well I will stick to what is working for me and will not complain! anyways brother hows the plant looking today?? mine are doing great I will have to post up some pics tonight!
The real only good purpose I can see using seltzer is if u want to add more co2 to ur grow room. To do so; get a gallon of seltzer take off the cap empty about 1/4 out add in 4-7 cups of sugar and a packet of yeist, the yeist will "turn" the sugar and creat co2 now when, let's say after a week u think ur "co2 concauction" doesn't work anymore? Just shake it up and allow the yeist to grab any "uneaten" sugar and it will continue to produce co2. U can do this with regular water but since the seltzer has co2 in it (to make the H2CO3) I feel it would be "better" to use the seltzer for extra co2 production IMHO

Sam, she's lookin good and yes sodium bicarbonate is pretty much baking soda, so add baking soda to anything fizzy and it won't be fizzy anymore. So yea it's pointless to feed with, but may be more beneficial in the extra production of carbon dioxide gas in ur grow area, but remember if u add more co2 to ur girls environment u have to feed accordingly. So rather than feed everyother week (w/ ferts) u would be able to feed every week. Just like they say in bio-dome, the cannabis plant DOES have a rapid rate of photosynthesis, so wen u add MORE co2 gas ur actually doubling maybe even tripling the plants "food conversion" times AKA photosynthesis.
Ok so now penny is actually looking like a plant that will produce some fat dense nugs. I will post up pics when her lights come on tomorrow.

Also, sorry. Im a "scientist" I like working shot out like that. Keeps my brain from turning to mush. I just hope that someone who looks will either correct me or something. Remember any critisism all criticism yo me is always constructive (even if it's said by a dick bag lol)
As promised. Enjoy






steve, she told me to post this pic especially for you.. its a pic of her "bush" hahahaha








no sir, i dont grow marijuana plants... i grow marijuana bushes :)

tell me what you think (oh and BTW i know i need more light and to water her :])

EDIT: i know that im not going to get the best yield out of penny, but if i may, i am god damn proud of her and myself, just for the fact that i didnt buy any special seeds, and i only planted one seed and got lucky that it was fem... with the set up i have going now, i know its not ideal, and some people may come look at my page and say "what a joke." but regardless, i put a lot of time and effort into this first grow, and for a first ever attempt at growing anything in my entire life (minus a sunflower i grew in 3rd grade...legit.) im stoked, and yea, sorry i just needed to put that out there.. i'm happy with the pace at which we are growing... it seem like one week i have no signs of flowers, than the next im here.. it truly amazes me what you can do with a little time, patients, and a caring/nurturing positive energy.

please enjoy my first random ass grow, for i am loving the shit out of every minute of it :)