First time stealth CFL grow in garage cabinet....


Well-Known Member
OK guys, so got home from work and the results were NOT GOOD. Every leaf is drooping so now I'm thinking underwater??? Wtf. If it's under then I'll have too water every day! In 74 degrees with good airflow I just don't know? Took some pictures and gave a beast watering so I'll check in an hour too see if it perks up, I really hope so. Here's the pics, if anyone has any idea what's going on please help! Leaves are so floppy they can't hold there weight.

I really hope this sorts it as it's a critical time going into flower!

I should also mention, the stem isn't as floppy today! It's back upright? But the leaves have double the droop from yesterday....



Well-Known Member
Another thing I try, is to take them out of direct light and see if that helps perk them up.....usually it is a seedling to small plant thing...but sometimes it happens when the roots are disturbed right at flower and they have trouble adjusting because they are trying to go for photosynthesis production....etc etc.....

can you check pH of your run-off?

How much are you watering per week and how big are your pots again?

Anything else, that might be out of your normal rotation?


Well-Known Member
Not too worry it was an under watering problem, gave them a big water and they perked up.

It must be that now they're bigger and the pots are small there just drying out twice as fast, should of seen that really! Just didn't think about it. I'm not sure on the pot size as they were just laying around but they are really small.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone, I'll have too Water every day I think, would it be too damaging too slightly increase pot size?

I'm getting really excited about these little ladies now :)


Great work, I've also just started out, a week or 2 after you but your girlies are looking amazing. Might make a thread of my own soon but for now i'm subd here :)).
Keep those pics coming!!


Well-Known Member
How much u reckon a pot change would hurt them now? Or shall I just give lots more water more often?


How are they looking today? I am by no means a pro but I would suggest waiting for the soil to dry up a bit before u re-pot them as you watered just last night...


Well-Known Member
Hey man cheers good too see I have a few followers, it's inspiring! What are you growing mate? Cfl? How's ur plant comparing too mine at the same stages?

Would be cool too see some pics feel free too post them here :)



Also using cfls, started with 1x 135W now I'm using 2 x 135W 5500K and 2x 20W 2700K (I know OVERKILL, but they seemed to be stretching too much earlier and i'm a bit restricted on height).
So basically I got 20 freebies with some seeds I bought and as it was my first time i thought I'd give the freebies (no idea what strain they are) a try as not to kill my nice strains.
Tried germinating 6 of them thinking I would be left with 2 or so, well....2014-02-20 16.01.29.jpg That was the result, 6/6 germinated and sprouted, now in day 6/7/8/9/10 for them (You can try to guess which is which :))
I've gonne through over-watering, under-watering, and a disabled seedling lol and now I'm having a bit of a curling issue, according to alot of things found online, it should be heat stress but the temps are pretty steady at 25-26 during lights on and 22-23 during off (20/4), so not too sure whats going on... maybe too low humidity (constant at around 40%), apart from that I'm pretty happy with my first try :). Anyway this is your thread and you girls are beautiful! Keep it up...


Well-Known Member
those are days since breaking soil, not too sure how to edit posts yet.
Sweet stuff man looking good there, i thought leaf curling was too do with over watering? but im a newb with no clue! haha juts going for the poor mans grow really but im suprised how little problems iv had so far!!

Anyways just in from work must be plant checking time :D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
OK so after a good water these girls look incredible! Dank as fuck and starting too smell more and more!

need too get a light fitting of some sort I think as I'm really struggling too keep the lights above the plants, why are the bulbs so fucking big! Lol really wish I topped them both now, is there anything else I can do too stop it going up and up at this stage?

So here's the fully healthy beasts as they should be...



They're looking really healthy mate, how old are they exactly?? By the way I hear that you are not really supposed to top, fim or mess around with autos, but you managed it successfully, well done man!:clap:


Well-Known Member
They're looking really healthy mate, how old are they exactly?? By the way I hear that you are not really supposed to top, fim or mess around with autos, but you managed it successfully, well done man!:clap:
I think im at day 29 or 30 since they sprouted from the soil!! And yeah i did a lot of research on topping autos and i personally think its a lot a of bollox. plenty of people have success topping autos but it seems the earlier u do it the better!


Well-Known Member
OK guys im struggling, could someone please look at my cab and suggest a decent movable light set up the wont get in the way, really struggling too keep the lights above the plants while still being 1-2 inches from the tops? some sort of fitting or something? i have added an 85 watt 2700k and the things fucking massive and i cant fit all the lights, there all balanced on the middle beam thing i had them over before.


Active Member
Some strains just keep stretching into flowering too.
Some stop stretching!
I don't have an experience with your strain, so you should look for similar grows but I think it has something to do with the percentage of your strain being sativa or sthn like that.
Means that, if I'm right, the more sativa it is, the more it will stretch during flowering, but again, I might be wrong!

Sorry to comfuse you! Just look it up on the net!
