First time LED grow


Active Member
not even close man, I don't know what happend to it....I know its not over or under water'd....I have grown ton's of shit(pepers and other veggies.) and a few oz under my hps...


Active Member
first 2 are of the one that's health last 2 are of the one that went timber! :confused::confused::confused::confused:

First 2 (live super skunk) see the color in the leaves, and also see the water'd med after 2 days of it being dry.

DEAD one, look at the leaf's as well...and the stem area, looks like its been pulled.......

Im a bad investigater, I moved the evedence before I took photos....Stupid me and all thos CSI show, sstill couldn't get it right:sleep:



Well-Known Member
Just a shot in the dark, but couuld it have been too windy in there and the little ones got tossed around too much....until they decided to end it all and jump? :p

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
man i am so glade i ran in to this post
listen it is sssooooooo important that you keep this grow going and only use LEDs
please only use led from seed to harvest so i and everyone can finally know whats whats about leds i and everyone know that they will grow bud
but i am wondering will the bud be as dence as hps
c i still you cfl and i am a big advacate of them but i want to make a change over to hps but not really i do like the way bud look that come from hps vrs cfls and i want those buds types
if you can just for exspirment your next grow do a combo of cfl and led just to see

i will be following this grow even if i dont post agin im watching


Active Member
man i am so glade i ran in to this post
listen it is sssooooooo important that you keep this grow going and only use LEDs
please only use led from seed to harvest so i and everyone can finally know whats whats about leds i and everyone know that they will grow bud
but i am wondering will the bud be as dence as hps
c i still you cfl and i am a big advacate of them but i want to make a change over to hps but not really i do like the way bud look that come from hps vrs cfls and i want those buds types
if you can just for exspirment your next grow do a combo of cfl and led just to see

i will be following this grow even if i dont post agin im watching

lol....i will:blsmoke:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
man your led grow is coming along great ............ i may have to update my avator
tell me this what type of leds are you useing (1w or 5w and board amount 250-600
and whats your plan, like how tall before you flower how many plants are under this light