First time large grow box (2x1x2m)


Well-Known Member
i transplant up to final pot, and highly recommend it. you will have a bigger plant, producing more, on a larger root ball. transplanting does not shock plants if done right. not much, at least. i go starter>6" pot>1gal>final pot.

Green Troll

Active Member

Looking at getting these babies. Anyone else use these? They look perfect. I have seen a few people on various forums raving about them.

Decided to change materials for the box (again) as i hear MDF soaks up water like a sponge. Going with OSB board instead. Should have it built by sunday. Shall take pics and upload as soon as the shell is done.
Yay =D Gotta get the materials for my box today. Also gotta buy some decent medium and pots =) What would you say is a good size pot to go for? I am looking to propagate in starter pellets ( then once germinated, plant the pellet in the pot it is going to spend the rest of its life in. I wanted to do it this way so it wouldnt be shocked by transplanting. Any comments?

Also, i got myself a big CO2 fire extinguisher yesterday. Safety first ;)
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Did you get those delivered to your house?

Green Troll

Active Member
Did you get those delivered to your house?
These i did yes, anything else that is rather specific for growing pot, i get delivered else where or i buy for cash where i can.

It has been a while since my last post, work has been busy but things are starting to come along. I have ordered the lights and filter (after being let down once) and i am hoping to get these by tomorrow. The first part of the grow room is going to be built this weekend, and i will start propagating the seeds monday. I have gone for a 400w parabolic grow light with digital ballast to best suite my square surface area in the vegging box, and the 5" RUCK and Rhino fan/filter kit with acoustic ducting. The same light but 600w will be used for the flower box if i like how things go with the first light. And of course, i got some E-Z rollers too =)

My blumat's turned up,they look good, so i am eager to get everything set up =)

Flame Defender looks interesting. I was going to paint the box in fire resistant paint just to reduce the risk a little bit. Definitely something i will look into.

I need to grab myself a rain water butt on the way home, nice supply of free, clean, chemical-free water.

Pots wise, i have taken your advice guys, I will go from pellet to 5 1/2" pot and transplant to 11" once the root system is nice and strong. I dont really want to transplant any more than that.

I will keep you guys posted!

Green Troll

Active Member
*sigh* i got to admit im thinking of just buying a grow tent ahaha

The concept of it being custom built for the purpose as well as being collapsible for transport or moving....i think i might just scrap the idea of building a box and simply buying the DS120 or DR120.

I dont know...


Well-Known Member
sorry, man. i used a 10gal tote for this run. one plant. i did NOT transplant up enough, and never got my big, fat stem, because it was too busy fillin' the tote up with roots, an' i hadda flower.
the 10gal totes are nice because of the rectangular shape. i likem.