First time large grow box (2x1x2m)


New Member
im in england >_<
ok mate then choppers are a concern there i would imagine
not really familar with flir usage in UK

but im kind of doubting the heat sink ideal will work like intended
best to buy a cool tube or air cooled unit
flir looks for heat on outside surfaces cant see throu walls
and if u got a chimmney u can vent it there or a dryer vent

how much watts u say u wanting to run in lights?

Green Troll

Active Member
I dont know what lights i am getting yet, as they are going to be from a friend of a friend. But i am aiming for 250w MH and 600w HPS. The ballast should be able to change the wattage though right? I should be able to turn a 1000w into a 600w if i needed to? Or will the bulbs be different fittings?


Well-Known Member
the box dimensions. they seem too deep. not enough room to walk around in grow area, so you'll be reaching. a meter reach can be hard on the back.


New Member
I dont know what lights i am getting yet, as they are going to be from a friend of a friend. But i am aiming for 250w MH and 600w HPS. The ballast should be able to change the wattage though right? I should be able to turn a 1000w into a 600w if i needed to? Or will the bulbs be different fittings?
only if it is a dimmable ballast

Green Troll

Active Member
Hmmm i see your point. Tbh i wanted to take advantage of even light spread. I didnt want it too long and shallow because i would need more lights. I could always put a turn table in it to spin those babies around.

I have knocked the height down now for a couple of reasons. Once i drew the box in 3D in AutoCAD, i could see how fekking huge it really was. I doubt females will grow 6' and i dont plan to grow males. Also knocking the height down reduces my volume, making air recycling more frequent. And i dont want my lights on cables too long and swinging all over the place while adjusting.

So now my internal dims are 1000mm x 1000mm x 1600mm. This gives me a nice smaller volume of air to move so keeps the CO2 flowing. Plus will make my fan and filter a little more effective as well.

Looks now to be much more manageable and also a little easier to hide =)

Green Troll

Active Member
Thanks man, ill keep an eye out for that. Currently working on the detailing for the door (which is going to be detachable) with rubber seals to make it air (and more importantly smell) tight. Once i get this built and i know it all fits together perfectly, i am going to take some photos, get the materials used in a list, and make a full set of instructions on how to build it and publish it up on here =)

Green Troll

Active Member
And like a COMPLETE noob, i forgot to take into account the height of my POTS! Back to 2m tall. What a dope i am....

Green Troll

Active Member
Right, got the design done, should be getting the timber cut to size tomorrow and i shall start building it over the weekend! Got my 1m x 1m pot tray, and it really opens your eyes as to how big those bad boys are. Only building the veg room atm but i dont need the flower room for another 5 weeks at least. I shall be adding photos as soon as it is built, and if anyone takes a fancy to the design, i will be happy to share the plans and tell you how to build it =)
Right, got the design done, should be getting the timber cut to size tomorrow and i shall start building it over the weekend! Got my 1m x 1m pot tray, and it really opens your eyes as to how big those bad boys are. Only building the veg room atm but i dont need the flower room for another 5 weeks at least. I shall be adding photos as soon as it is built, and if anyone takes a fancy to the design, i will be happy to share the plans and tell you how to build it =)
Sounds good mate! keep us posted!


New Member
Right, got the design done, should be getting the timber cut to size tomorrow and i shall start building it over the weekend! Got my 1m x 1m pot tray, and it really opens your eyes as to how big those bad boys are. Only building the veg room atm but i dont need the flower room for another 5 weeks at least. I shall be adding photos as soon as it is built, and if anyone takes a fancy to the design, i will be happy to share the plans and tell you how to build it =)

looking forward to it mate

Green Troll

Active Member
My seeds turned up today =) All 5 look top quality, nice and solid, dark brown, no cracks. Hoping my heated propagator and seeding nuggets are at the post office waiting for me tomorrow.


New Member
My seeds turned up today =) All 5 look top quality, nice and solid, dark brown, no cracks. Hoping my heated propagator and seeding nuggets are at the post office waiting for me tomorrow.

pics or didnt happen mate lol
run get the camera

oh stoner moment i thought u mean seeds sprouted up
well soon they will still subbed and pulling up a chair

Green Troll

Active Member
Yay =D Gotta get the materials for my box today. Also gotta buy some decent medium and pots =) What would you say is a good size pot to go for? I am looking to propagate in starter pellets ( then once germinated, plant the pellet in the pot it is going to spend the rest of its life in. I wanted to do it this way so it wouldnt be shocked by transplanting. Any comments?

Also, i got myself a big CO2 fire extinguisher yesterday. Safety first ;)