First time growing need help


Well-Known Member
Well hello everybody i'm a nwebie tha lives in a island in the caribean with almost no access to suplies just by the intenet, started out with a hydro system a friend bought long time agoand he never used it , i took it and started with som BDS seeds he got a long time ago, soome ICE plants and haze19 x skunk, got four big ones and one late starter 3 ice 2 haze, been veggin for almost amonth and half now they are huge, i got virtually no space, no ventilation, just the will to grow and they look amazing, they reachimg almost 30 inches, waitingon some rockwool and some more supplies so i can clone before flowering, i been getting a hard time even trying to find timers unbelievable, i hace some pics when they were arroud 2 feet im gonna post them, every coment , critics , everuthing is accepted, i basically need homemade stuff to make this work, and it is working please help thanks to all:peace:



Well-Known Member
ok a few add ons im really baked right now so sorry for all the misstypes , in the pic they are like a feet tall they currently almost 3 feet tall very bushy , using ph strips:/, not checking ppm, using cfls , all homemade stuff, bought everything i need and got stolen in the US, have to buy it again, please help i need some kind of substitute for rockwool, they nutes im using some crappy old ones that came with system, they seem to work even though they looked spoiled,im doing myh best with what i have in hand, our shops have very limited things, so dont have acces to almost anything, any ideas could work thanks to all

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
very nice -


start flowering... the plants are gonna get huge....

they look very healthy...

keep the pictures coming!!



Well-Known Member
well people, they're still growing one of them seems to have frozen, there are 2 that are huge another in the middle and the tiny one is still hanging in there, here are some pics from today theyre hug, the 2 big one outgrow my light fixtures, im gonna start flowering today manually :-?, turning the lights off manually, and i'm going to take some clones from the ones i can, then after i determine sex i will discard males and their clones, and from the females clones probably keep a mother, ANY ADVICE WELCOME EVERYBODY WELCOME TO SHIP IN WITH ADVICE



Active Member
You have a nitrogen deficiency problem there looks like, most likely due to your food. You've got a hydo system , sort of, you should have two kinds of food, one is like 30-10-10 for veg state and the other should be for flowering, like 10-52-10. You must have garden stores there ? do can use a dirt food there but be very careful, like use around 5ml per 2 gallons of water..not 5ml per 1 litre.. you'll cook those roots. here go to the place and get everything you need, also get some reflection in there, mylar or mica can be oredered. Also watch what kind of water you use in there. If you can use spring water. Especially where you live.

Go here if you for what you need, i never dealt with them before, but my people know them

Earth's Friend Ind. Inc. - Now offers Blue Lightning, Powerguard Green House and Bang Organic Plant Barrier

good luck


Well-Known Member
yes the thing is i was waiting to change into flower nutes and got a bit lazy but first thing in the morning i'll change nutes to flowering , i have some nutes that came with system i think they were like powder nutes but now with they turned into a paste but they seemed to work
how long into flowering can i clone, i've read like 2 weeks
thanks everyone:peace:


Well-Known Member
good job on getting this far with such little supplies!:hump::hump::hump:

yeah u can clone probly up to 2 weeks of flowerin, depending on strain. i would say 10 days would probly be ur best bet without having to revert the clone back to veg. if you can order shit on the internet and have it shipped to your area do that. you can find every single little item on the internet you need. keep us posted. smoke on


Well-Known Member
thanks for the nice words, yes i can order via internet but things get here maybe a month later, i have an aeroponic bucket cloner with neoprene inserts, so i was guessing as i dont have rockwool no place near, if i can put the clones with neoprene inserts directly into the clay pebbles or lavarock, so i dont have to used rockwool, thanks everybody for the help


Well-Known Member
if youve made it this far on homemade supplies i think u could probly come up with something to act as rockwool. maybe come cotton candy?lol:hump:


Well-Known Member
well here are some more pics, there were also taken today, errr yesterday, well u get the point, they were a lil' burned cuz they were growing out of control, my biggest fattest ice the one to the right took one of the CFl's for herself and got a lil bit burned and so did my big haze19x skunk the tall skinny to the left, but they looked ok, i;ve starving them till tomorrow morning when i will start flowering, thanks everyone



Well-Known Member
jjejejjeejejejeje, yeah probably, im gonna ask my dad he's a genius , i told him i was planing on growing hydro strawberries, so this questions wont surprise him , lol


Well-Known Member
right know i got 2 42w cfl on top (1 blue 1 redlight) i also bought 2 more 65w 1 blue and 1 red, im using one of those to give light to the little one inb the back u can probably see the reflection from that in the pic


Well-Known Member
You have a nitrogen deficiency problem there looks like, most likely due to your food. You've got a hydo system , sort of, you should have two kinds of food, one is like 30-10-10 for veg state and the other should be for flowering, like 10-52-10.

good luck

What kind of nutrients are you using? 30-10-10 for hydro?


Well-Known Member
im using some nutes that came with the system my friend bought from stealth hydro, they came in ziplock bags pre mesure for 6 gallons, didnt say much else, right now i just finish using my grow nutes, im gona starte using the flowering nutes and start flowering today
thanks i really apreciate the help


Well-Known Member
well so i started flowering todaY, change my nutes everything good, so probably i'll be cloning in a couple days, maybe sunday, lights suposed to go off 2morrow, to begin 12/12, i dindt go 18/6 to veg, i just keep the lights 24 a day, cuz couldnt get a timer, so i'll keep this thread updated with pics ASAP,
thanks for the suppport


Well-Known Member
good luck man. like i said ur doing great so far on homemade shit. put them to 12/12 and hope u can get an hps if u dont have one. if not add a goatload of cfls


Well-Known Member
hey how many watts of cfl's will be enough for my plants?
ccuz maybe i can get some primitive hps but dont think i can handle the heat


Well-Known Member
with cfls, for a "above average CFL harverst" i would go with at LEAST 80-100 watts of cfl per plant. ive never grown cfl. only MH and HPS. but from the homework ive done i would assume 100 watts cfl per plant would be a good goal.