First time growing need help


Well-Known Member
one question ass you all might know i'm cloning using neoprene inserts, whats the best way to transplant them after they've rooted?


Well-Known Member
well folks tropical storm "Noe" hits us yesterday night without warning, it's been raining for more than 40 hours now, the streets are flooded, it's a mess :? and there hasn't been electrical power for more than 14 hours, theres a generator where I live but where my babies are there isn't, and i cant get in till 8 pm, i hope for the electricity to come back soon enough, i guess my clones all dead cuz i had them in a aeroponic system spraying the roots 24/7 and the light as well,:cry: maybe mi big ones could do a little better i'm hoping for the best, thats why my and my friend bought an inverter, but we didnt had it install yet, but we learned from our mistakes, i'll keep you guys posted as soon as i know something:-|


Well-Known Member
still no electricity, most part of the city doen't have either,
13 dead reported cuz of the storm, Fucking Global Warming


Well-Known Member
power came back on like 2 hours ago , my babies were almost 22 hours on the dark , all my clones died in the storm:cry:, but my big ones and the other little one are good, me and my cuz went for a spin this afternoon, rolled a couple of blunts and went on to see the damage, took my camera so u can see to :peace:



Well-Known Member
Damn dude sorry bout the clones and that storm look like it was pretty wicked, hope the 22 hours of darkness doesn't effect your plants.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude sorry bout the clones and that storm look like it was pretty wicked, hope the 22 hours of darkness doesn't effect your plants.

thanks for the support, i def hope not, im gonna have to take some more clones, but only from the 2 big ones there arent anymore clonesites in the 2 medium ones, i think my haze plant is showing preflowers, but im not sure this how they look once the power came back on.



Well-Known Member
i live near the coast and i love when hurricanes come! all the power lines here are underground so the power usually stays in tact. hurricane partys are the shit! i also have a lifted truck, so i love rompin aorund when everythin is flooded. we are seeing the effects of what u went throught. 14 foot waves breaking!!!!!! high tide came up almost to the roads today! glad to hear everyhing is okay cept ur clones. clones always grow back so not much of a loss! good luck!


Well-Known Member
i live near the coast and i love when hurricanes come! all the power lines here are underground so the power usually stays in tact. hurricane partys are the shit! i also have a lifted truck, so i love rompin aorund when everythin is flooded. we are seeing the effects of what u went throught. 14 foot waves breaking!!!!!! high tide came up almost to the roads today! glad to hear everyhing is okay cept ur clones. clones always grow back so not much of a loss! good luck!
you and me both bro, damm i do the same thing with my dad's pick up, my SUV might not as well, been flooded before aint pretty jejjeje:blsmoke:, yeah i might try cloning again this week but first i wanna get my inverter in line just in case


Well-Known Member
lol i love driving when its flooded like 2-3 feet. all the cars are pulled over and shit cause they are all flooded out! i just romp right by them and throw a huge wave/spray all over their cars with my tires lol. so much fun!


Active Member
Damn! nice plants grown on a shoestring budget! I think GK gave you good advice to flower immediately or they're gonna bust through your roof before they're done!


New Member
Did you sort out the cloning? Clones are only meant to be taken from a vegging plant. If you take them from a flowering plant you will need to revert the clone... which takes a longer veg' period. It's fine to take one clone maximium 2 weeks into flower, and then revert it to use as a mom, as you'll have the time to veg.

Taking flowering clones and trying to grow them without revertion will result in stunted clones.

It's good to remember that the clone is the same age as the plant you cut it from. So if that plant is in flower, so too is the clone. It still has the chemical inside it telling it to flower. once this has kicked in its fairly hard to stop.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
It's fine to take one clone maximium 2 weeks into flower, and then revert it to use as a mom, as you'll have the time to veg.

I like this technique.. because in the first 2 weeks of flowering I can pick out which branches will not produce quality buds and those are the branches I cut and turn into clones..



Well-Known Member
thanks very much for the info, its been like a week into flowerin, so in a couple of days i'll try it again, thanks all


Well-Known Member
well folks i dont knoiw i've u seen the news, but last week storm was a disaster for this island, 300+ dead, lots missing, after the black out i had, we had another failure in our growing place, went 3 days without power, now seeing the efects, my plants are almost dead, all of them they're dying :cry:, I couldnt believe it, but this has tought me alot, got my inverter ready to hook up, got some blueberry and brainstorm seeds from dutch passion coming my way , and im gonna start again, got one cabinet under construccion, apreciate help coments, support, my babies are almost dead i'm stoned and i feel like crap, i still have little hope but i dont think they'll pull trhu, each one has like one good looking leaves picture that, it sucks, it gonna be swag for another couple of months, crap