first time grower needing some major help with nutes.


Active Member
Hey all im having some issues trying to figure out what nutes to use then how much ill need etc.. here is some background on my grow..
test running 3 plants at the moment, northern lights(clone, Trainwreck(seed), LSD(clone). growing them all in roots organics 707 soil using tap water that has been sitting in a sanitized tote. had them under a 1000w mh but it just seemed like too much power for only three plants, besides that its too much on my power bill for 3 flowers they are now under a T12 6500k on 24s... will be putting them back under 1000w when flowering though. the trainwreck has been popped for a little over a week ive had the clones for a little over a week also. been reading up on dyna gro seems pretty easy if i can figure how much nutes and what to use in veg/flower stages. LSD is stretching nodes are kinda far a part but the NL is looking full and dark green. theyve been under the same light together so im not sure why one is strecthing so much. here are some pics remember this is my first run so cut me some slack.

>LSD stretching stalk isnt really getting any thicker either.View attachment 2676799 >northern lights few yellow spots on it also.View attachment 2676800 >northern lightsView attachment 2676801 <doing some light LST

also do i honestly need anything besides a ph tester when using nutes? i picked up some pool strips that test about 5 diff things.. im getting married in august so im really on a budget here trying to do my best.
>trainwreck w a little yellow on the blades, caused from?View attachment 2676802


Well-Known Member
first things first pick up a book about botany. second thing you need to do is understand how to read your plants. As far as fertilizers go I recommend jacks classics includes all your macro and micro nutrients is all around great fertilizer. You do not need to spend a bunch of money on pH as you are growing in soil which act as a buffer to begin with. I also recommend against any marijuana specific nutrients. Most companies are scams, con artist, and are simply just taking your money to provide you with overpriced Waterdown product. others may disagree with me but a plant is a plants it's not that complicated. I do recommend for flowering picking up some Cal Mag.

your plants actually pretty good. That last photo looks like it might be a bit over watered but the yellowing could be from the soil as it may have been hot. All in all I wouldn't worry. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Since I posted this u fiund iut that my run off ph is 4.0 and I have mild gnats.. my eater tested at 7 when I watered so I really dont get .. now u ha e to wait to bring ph up until next water same with usi.g aza for gnats.. man oh man if it isnt one thing its another