First time grower..need advice>????


Active Member
u probably think im gay or something, the username is completely in terms of where the weed is comin from not like two guys, in a bed, fucking. lol


Well-Known Member
I dont care if you are gay or not. One time I rubbed a plant all over my face and it turned out to be a male so I say dont rub shit on your face til you know what its packing.


Active Member
im n Beloit. its border illinois and wisconsin. always get the brown bomber coming thru these parts so i started saving seeds from the mids i get every now and then. i want to post pictures but i dont know how do u just paste a picture into quick reply or somethin


I'm not sure about that i just became a memer a week ago sorry. But i kno you can post a new message and then attch pictures to your meaasge


Active Member
i wanna post a picture of my plant that is a mystery strain wondering if anybody can recognize what it is. plus if anybody can give me advice on upping my yeild. cant get pics right now tho, lites off time. also night smoke and sleep time peace out


Well-Known Member
Hey maybe I am paranoid but didnt you guys just help the DEA narrow down 2 grow rooms to a specific town?