First time grower..need advice>????


Active Member
everything looks good but you have made one critical mistake. all your sprouts are in ONE pot. not good at all. you plants look stunted for three weeks probably due to root crowding. you need to try and transplant each plant to its own pot or none will survive. this maybe difficult tho because the plants are close together and the roots are probably all tangled.


Ooh damn ok i would do that right now before they die on me thank you soo much i was told i could grow a couple of plants in one pot. I guess there were wrong. How long i got to wait till i know if its a female or a male??


Active Member
once you get them transplanted, and you've vegged them for your desired time, you will know within weeks of the 12/12 cycle which sex it is. females will for little bulbs with two thin hairs coming out called flowers with, males will for little bulbs with no hairs. not a very good description of the male flower sorry i dont grow males.


Active Member
males dont get buds, are basically useless unless you plan on breeding your plants. females get all those sweet, juicy, homegrow buds that you and i desire.


Active Member
oh and if you find a male in your garden pull it out of the dirt, kill it, get it as far away from those females while shaking it as little as possible . males release pollen which is what causes weed to get seeds. if there is no males, there will be no pollen, which means there will be no seeds. hey what time is it where u are?


Well-Known Member
Dude there is an answer to every question on here and there are those who will bash anything you do if it is different from their style. A day of thought and research can produce a lifetime of bud.


Active Member
was that criticism directed towards me. im not bashing any one. im jus sharing my collection of knowledge and experience. im innocent, i swear


Well-Known Member
No sir not my intention at all bro. Just telling the guy that it's his canvas. I see noob bashing on here and it almost scared me off so just giving advise. Not bashing just encourageing.


Thanks i just transplanted them to there own pot.. I will keep you guys updated on my plant since you guys know more then me


Well-Known Member
Keep in Vtec that I am fairly new to this also but I have a thing for gathering facts. I am on my 5th grow and each has gotten better. I am always willing to give advise if I know about the topic but there are guys onhere that have forgotten more about growing than I will probably ever know.


Active Member
no problem . hey i have only grew 2 operations. 1st grow was 3 plants. i did pathetic, i think i got maybe a little under a quarter ounce dried off of all three plants combined. not worth the risk at all, i kno but the weed was bomb as hell. now im growing a plant from some bag seed doing better this time around, but still nothing impressive. everytime around is trial and error. jus keep growing.


Well-Known Member
I am a firm believer in bag seed. I buy killer seeds to but I have grown some mediocre bag seeds with some pretty remarkable smoke that came from it. Plus when you buy a $50 bag you have to figurethat you are tossing away money when you toss the seeds.


Active Member
big v, yeah i only use bag seed from good smoke i've acquired just cant spend tens of dollars on high grade seeds when some of the bag seed is just as good. also dont trust the whole ordering weed seeds thing