First time grow with CFL's


Active Member
ok a few thigns have happened over the weekend. first of all picked up the 400 switched the setup no more cfl's just running the 400 no but the 200watts of cfl is now for vegging so im going to have consecutive cycles going i am starting to germ some bubblelicous and brasil kc 3 beans of each flavor....ok im goign to take pics now upadte in 10-20minutes


Active Member
these are some random shots of my 5 girls....they are starting to get real frosty ever since the 400 showed up and the smell is getting more noticable


Active Member
hey thanks alot guys im trying....just put them in paper towel earlier today just took a peak a few minutes ago and noticed 2 of the bubblelicious are cracked and 1 of the brasil kc have cracked...just added a lil mroe water and going to check on them in the morning probbly put them into the jiffy pots....


Active Member
i think when i update pics im only going to upload 1 at a time cause when i add them all they pop up randomly and not in order

so this is day 28 really starting to notice the smell its how everyones house should smell

hope you enjoy the 5 ladies im showing off
yeah that might work better, ahh I finally got my fans in my pc working, along with that got my sprouts up, so now all I gotta do is wait haha


Active Member
yea the whole hurry up and wait lol nice that is goood to ehar that your sprouting ....just put mine in soil plus i started to germ 3 purple kush i have 3pk's, 3 bubblelicous,and 3 brasil kc


Active Member
the purple kush beans i found in a bag they seemed to be very good beans nice and solid dark in color with some markings on them so im hoping they turn out nice....


Active Member
so i also have a question with collecting male pollen..

1. When I get a male can I just put him in a bag keep him small with the rest of the ladies that are flowering?
2. Or should I remove him put him him a small container with some cfl's?

Like i was saying im still learning and the input would be greatly appreciated because I want to make a few of my own strains with these beans i have picked up


Active Member
so i just noticed i made an error on my flowering days my last update for day 28 is actually day 27 and tdays update is day 30 im just waiting until the ladies wake up so i can get some pics