First time grow with CFL's


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yea i am stoked on that for sure////so i now am using my dresser as my veg box and my closet as my flower spot....still need to get a few more cfls and another fan for my veg box get a lil wind ogin in there.....but the closet looks good i had to improvise and tack a black blnket to the closet door for the light far it looks like no light gets in but with the brightnesss of the lights inside the closet some does come out a lil.....its all good the room isnt used for much anyways so im set for my 10pm 10am schedule its 12/12 time lets see what kinda nugs i get out of this stay tuned boys


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so i am about to turn the lights on in just under 30 minutes....i changed my time schedule instead of picking 10pm to shut em down i choose to do it at midnight....prettty stoked.... i will put some pics up within the week


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so i gooogled that shhht and yea think im going to get some mollasses to help with the flowering of my plant...RIU is a great source of info for the noob right to the most experienced grower...


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yea no doubt hater....but tis all i found some seeds from a great indo bag think its purp kush or some sort of kush strain...the seeds arent as dark as normal im wondering will they still work? i am going to find out anyways lol im going to put them in some paper towel tongiht and hope for the best
ok here is something for some one to answer i have (3) 300 watt CFL's 2700k 4200 lumens per light! over my new born's just getting my 2 set of leaves out with a light cycle of 18/6 watering maybe 2 a day with a fan set on med blowing out the hot air that rises to the top of my grow room and another fan cycling a cool out side breeze threw the bottom keeping my room at a good 70F to 80F and humidity steady around 50 to 70 now is here are my quetions

Are my 300 watt CFL good for vegetation? should i make any changes considering the lumens its putting out!
Should it be ok to leave my light cycle as is for my start of vegetation? Any better suggestions
At about what size should i start to feed my plants?
Should i be ok with 1500 watts of CFL's for flowing with out effecting my yield?!



Active Member
ok im new myself but i will try answer a few questions or what i hink about your situation....

yea thats enough wattage for sure

18/6 is good ..... i kept mine under 24 i think more light the better

i started feedinig them after 1 month depending on what your soil is...some soil contain enough nutes for the first month i also vegged for 5 -6weeks i didnt have the same wattage you have

just make sure you have good circulation and i would put a few babies under that much wattage


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well here is my update i need a diff cam rather than using the blackberry

this is the second day of flowering for them i vegged them longer than i wanted but i know they are females now so im ready lol hooking up another 4-26watters very soon make sure they get enough light im also going to do a lil mroe triming to them soon get some of those under leafs that get shorted on the light anyways hope you enjoy the pics i will have more very soon


Well-Known Member
You are looking good Dirty keep it going, all though the spectrum cfl's you are using are more suited for flowering at 2700k you should have two at 5600kalong with one at 2700k for a really good mix in veg and then for flower you could go with say 3x 2700k 300w and 1 x 5700k 300 watt and you should do extreemly well plenty of lumens for your grow..if you want to run this set up till this grow is over i say go for it you'll still be happy with your effort...I hope this helps, Peace


Active Member
hey stinkbudd,

i am using a wide variety of light spectrum through my cfl's its miamifinest that you should be talking to....anyways all good homie my girls are 3 days into flowering today all females
DSC02861.JPGDSC02900.JPGDSC02902.JPGDSC02899.JPG still have the (3) 300 watt cfls and added (1) 150 watt cfl im really looking to get some matter lighting as far as more blue in the room i have 2700k but right now im looking for as advised the 5000k or something like that. but right now im just feeding my cuttings 3 times a day with a nice spray and i have the water mixed with 1/2 tsp of grow big and 2 tbl spoons of big bloom starting into my first week or veg and my mother is another subject but there all under the same light until i decide to flower with i have all i need right here just need to set up another room. tell me what u think and what i should do im freaking out about my lighting cause i don know if ima gunna be good with what i have untill i ungrade i want my babies during veg to grow strong. also i leave the tarp open to vent cool out side air as well as air conditioning and a fan connected to two vents out the top so all hot air will rise and vent out!!


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that is a nice looking plant you have there hope those cuttings make it hmmm looks goood miami i have another suggestion for you start a new thread and ask for help im to to this to bro


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so question for anyone out there...when you order from attitude do you get the guarantee or do you take the chance without it???


Active Member
its all good ....hey do you think its necessary to get the stealth gaurantee shipping from looking at a few seeds and that extra 10 bucks could be an extra seed


Well-Known Member
its all good ....hey do you think its necessary to get the stealth gaurantee shipping from looking at a few seeds and that extra 10 bucks could be an extra seed
If you are shelling out more than say 100.00 greenbacks for your order, I say hell yes just becouse i always cover my ass, but my orders are always in the 50-60 buck range and ive never had any order fail to get to me!! But then ther is always tommorow lol...I did actually lose a coule of beans that were crushed when i got them and they sent me two more but the girl that was there then is no longer there she was gone in december and she was real cool...


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yea my order is about 77 dollars i been over it a few times trying to select the flavors i want and to be able to work with the space i am giving....hoping to get the best for my price and i worked it out to about just under 80 bucks with aroma fem 5pack, early blueberry fem 1 seed and nypd 1 seed also fem...


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but if i dont get the gaurantee then i can get another bean for another 10bucks lol im just trying to toss it up and try and figure it out
hey guys i am trying to start up my grow, i already have 2 26w cfls but im trying to decide if i should wait to go to lowes and get a 60 or 65 watt cfl for more mixed spectrum or get another 26w from walmart to start the grow up faster, what do you guys suggest?