First time grow. Outdoors. UK


Well-Known Member
Some sad news I'm afraid my friends

One of neighbours popped round today. Gave me this massive speech on how I was poisoning society and how by growing these plants I will get the local kids into heroin (even though the small amount I'm going to get is for me and myself).

She told me that unless I get rid of them in the next 48hrs she will alert the police. FYI I have lived opposite this lady for nearly 18 years and she is willing to grass me up!

Lets just say I have suspicions she may think it's still 1953...

However I have a friend who is going to look after them for the remainder of the time. I will do my best to get photos up and look after as best as I can...

Peace in the middle east my green friends

Fight the machine!


Well-Known Member
Yeh thats the best plan or move them into some nice forests, growing out in nature is always nice ^^.


Well-Known Member
that really pisses me off man.. go tell her cyrus is gona burn down her house so she has to move!!

but really mate harsh man i hope you think fuck her and go for an indoor grow.. good luck bud


Well-Known Member
whoooaa duuuude!!!!! fucking neighbours like that piss me off...sad bitter old bag....
how'd she find out?an ideas?
hope it all works out matey!!


Well-Known Member
Ah, that sucks hard mate, but growing outdoors within eyeshot of neighbours?? Surely you had to expect that to become a problem...


Well-Known Member
I kinda though everyone would be cool with it. She found out when she was talking to my wife and asked to have a look at her tomato crop, thinking that she wouldnt notice or care my wife showed her the greenhouse (they do blend in well with the rest of the garden as we have lots of other plants all over the place). She didnt mention a thing then and there but came back round later...
Her husband left her for another woman a few years back, makes you wonder why?!

Stay tuned ;)


Active Member
yea your steps towards soil r just fine. ive grown out side 4 years now your waterin method is fine water from top soil with a drain off. if your bringin in to flower i suggest u dont water daily n put it on bio bloom. as its main feed if this is your first time .n use super thrive for first two week of re pottin u dont need to water the leaves but if u r in a dusty enviroment its suggested onces a week.if your lookin 4 delisous buds there plenty of bud stimulent out there wich is worth lookin in to b 4 u buy if u need anythin just ask happy growin

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your neighbour Star, what a bitch!
At least she did give you the heads up instead of just grassing you up without saying a word. So I guess it could have been worse if you look at it that way.

Good luck with the rest of the grow at your friends house.


Well-Known Member
Agreed - damned lucky that she didn't ring the police straight away. They've been particularly rabid as of late and would have no qualms, I think, coming to take your plants and whatever other things they fancied in your place (computers, TVs, valuables - anything) - maybe even your kids (if I recall you had, no?). Even if I smoked with my neighbours I wouldn't trust them to know about my grow, man, but maybe I'm just paranoid. 0_o


Well-Known Member
Well the move was funny (in hindsight!)
Put the plants in the back of my hatchback (no room for the parcelshelf) and they peeked over the back window like small forrest!
Was a 5 minute drive to the new location and had anyone have driven behind me... well you can imagine!

Plenty of sun today but the plants have grown little since transplanting on monday. Weather outlook is pretty good for this coming week.
Watering every 3/4 days seems to be the right amount to keep the soil moist and a day of pretty dry soil. Using Canna Terra Vega with every watering and still no sign of nute burn. Its a great fert for pH, keeping things at about 6.5

Still no signs of sex...
Is anyone else growing outdoors in the UK? Are you guys getting any signs of sex yet?

Some photos

Day 57



Well-Known Member
glad the move went ok dude
i'd have been shitting it if my plants were saying hello thru my back window lol
sure she, yes she (pma dude!!pma!! lol), will pick up again in a ew days after the transplant. she's looking good tho dude.


Well-Known Member
I have 6 even though that looks like the same plant in every picture!
As long as 3 are fems I wont mind too much. All 6 would be nice though!


Well-Known Member
The weather has been stunning the last few days and looks set to get better for the rest of the week, all day sunshine and temps around 24 (75F).
I had a look at the plants and they are loving the sun. Best of all they are 100% over the transplant and starting to really bush out.
Will put some photos up mid-week


Well-Known Member
glad to hear the kids weren't effected that much dude.and yeah.......looks like summer may finally have arrived, all be it for this week lol


Well-Known Member
Okay so just got back from checking on the plants.
The plant I bend badly when tranplanting on the 14th has not recovered. A close look revealed that the stem was not healing and the leaves above the plant were dying. I clipped off to leave about a foot of plant growth below. The top that i took off is now drying in a closet and I'll see what kind of a smoke I get from the top growth.

There was also some signs of slugs on one of the plants, trails and missing chuncks of leaves... Thanksfully it was the same plant as above.
Has anyone ever tried the copper coin method? Let me know if so
I placed a ring of 2p coins around the base of every plant and hopefully that will keep the slugs away.

Other than the above problems the plants look healthy and growth is back to normal. The plants on the whole are about 2-3 feet tall. The stems on the lower branches are really growing outwards now and thickening the bottom of the plant out. Still no sign of preflower on any of the plants which can only be good news.

As promised some photos

Day 61
