First time grow. Outdoors. UK


Well-Known Member
go to harvesting and curing find thread
(molasses anyone) go to post by kuntjuice theres an atachment click on that and read read read all the info you need about molasses.


Well-Known Member
Where di you read to use it during vegging?
It also contains micro nutrients that the plant needs all the time.
As its a plant product the nutes are readily available for use in your garden.
And as the plant does use the sugars to sweeten up the flowers, it also uses sugars for lots of other growing processes.
Thats a great article isn't it? The Guano manual is equally informative for you outdoor growers.
I added Black Strap Molasses to some water to see what the deal was before I used in my Hydro and well, let's just say
I don't use it in my hydro set up.
I get the processed (made into hydro friendly nute additives by big nutrient companies) kind.
Right now I use General Hydroponics FloraNectar which has a good amount of molasses in it.
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Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to hold out for flowering before using it...

Am concentrating on pH levels atm as I've got feeding sorted...

Baby steps ;)



Well-Known Member
I bought a pH meter today.

I'm getting readings of 7.1

Does anyone have any suggestions how I can lower this down to 6.5.
I'm not going to spent loads on addatives to do so and was wondering if there is anything I can use in the house? Vineger?!

Let me know



Well-Known Member
Lowering soil pH : (to make it more acidic)
If your soil needs to be more acidic, sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and especially peat moss, will lower the soil pH.

Marijuana thrives in neutral to slightly acidic mediums. Soil and soilless mixes should aim for pH of 6. Hydro growers should go slightly lower which helps prevent pythium and other root rots-- 5.5 to 5.7 is ideal.

Hope that answers your question
I use PH DOWN by General Hydroponics myself.
It uses food grade Phosphoric acid to lower PH, and I aim for a PH of 5.3 in my hydro setup.
It wont take much (a few drops) to lower the PH of your feed water
and that in turn will lower the PH of your soil.
A layer of peat as a top dressing is recommended when outdoors.


Well-Known Member
pH down is pretty cheap stuff - or just buy direct from a chemical supply store. Use a few drops until your watering water is maybe a bit under your target (say watering with pH 5.8-6.0 ) and water with that, monitoring your soil to see how it changes. Use nitric acid during veg (extra nitrogen) and phosphoric acid (extra phosphorus) during flower. How much you need will depend on what's in your soil and how strongly buffering it is. It can take a little or a lot to change soil pH, but go slowly and you should see results.

If you're against using pH down in the water, then, as said, adding some peat or compost to the soil can help, as can old coffee grinds, slices of apple, etc. If they're already well rooted, though, adding stuff to the soil can be tricky. pH down is really the simplest solution, I think, as adding new components to the topsoil will take a long time to diffuse into the mix.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys

Think I will invest in some pH down then. I have a hydro shop nearby so will pop in there to get some.

Use a few drops until your watering water is maybe a bit under your target (say watering with pH 5.8-6.0 ) and water with that, monitoring your soil to see how it changes.

Should I jump right in with some 5.8-6.0 water or build it up?

Will upload some photos taken today now


Well-Known Member
Here's an update then...

I have been using Canna Terra Vega since a few days after transplanting. I used 50% stength at first and moved up to 100% on the second feeding. I'm using it every 3 days but not drowning the plants. I'm trying to get a little on the leaves but then using a straight water spray to get an leftovers off the following day. There's no sign of any nute burn and the plants look really healthy.
I think I've been really lucky with the health of my plants. The single incedent where a few leaves were munched a little hasnt returned and there are no marks on the leaves. No sunburn, no shredding, happy days.
The last few days have been pretty hot and sunny and growth has exploded during this period.

Enjoy the photos...

Day 41
There was a strong breeze when I took all these...

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Well-Known Member
Should I jump right in with some 5.8-6.0 water or build it up?

Well, to go from pH 7 to pH 6 means increasing your hydrogen ion concentration by only a factor of ten. If you water with pH 6 water, though, the soil will buffer that quite readily, meaning that components in the soil will tend to capture those hydrogen ions and stabilise the pH back towards 7 again, meaning that it may take a few waterings to make the difference.

You may not even need pH down if you've not been adding nutes yet, though. ph 7 isn't bad, really, and when you start adding nutes they will tend to lower the pH since nute solution is essentially a nutritious pH down. You might want to just mix up some nute solution until you get pH 6 or even 6.2 or something (unless your water is really hard - starting pH >7.5 or so) and see how that works.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
hi staro this might help you make you mind up on ph

as you can see a ph of 6.5 for soil is best hope this helps you..

have fun

p.s looks like you are doing ok


Well-Known Member
My plants are making me sad :(
A lot of other people's are much bigger and showing signs of preflower...

What can I do to get my plants to beef up... I'm gonna cut back on watering and I'm also going away next week for 5 days which should force me not to be too involved... I'm gonna sort the pH out in the next few days and also invest in some molasses which I'm going to use sparingly... I also have a halogen lamp I'm gonna start to use in the night time.

For those of you who have grown in the UK, when can I expect the amound of light to drop down to a flowering level????

Come on sunshine



Well-Known Member
get them inside under a 200w light 18/6 that would make them beefy as fuk... i say 200w cause i got a 200w and a 600w i like the 200w not to hot and saves money and its really bright.. try it


Well-Known Member
if you're in the uk halogen i think are pants all they do is give off heat a hps flood light can be bought at argos fot like £25 squid its alot but think how much youd save in the long run like not havin to buy weed for one!!


Well-Known Member
sorry lol i have short bursts of thought.... but... lmao.... even a 70w hps flood light is so bright you be sorted


Well-Known Member
Been away all week and have just got back.

Plants seem to have loved my absense. They have really grown upwards and outwards...

No sign of any pre flowering yet which can only be a good thing. Will water tomorrow and check soil pH.

Will also put some new photos up


Well-Known Member
As promised some photos...

I transferred 4 of my plants into 11in x 9in pots today. I would have done all 6 but ran out of perlite (there is some on plant 4 just not on the surface!).
The last few weeks I have been moving them indoors when there's been no sun for some nightime lamp action. These pots (when moist) are pretty heavy so they'll be staying outside now until I chop them down. I put some cains in help protect the plants in strong winds although they are thickening up nicely. I did manage to snap/bend one of the stems quite badly but I'm confident it's gonna make a recovery as no fluids seem to be leaking out of where it was pinched.

As mentioned yesterday, no signs of preflowering as yet.


Day 52


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi Staropramen.
I've just been reading your journal, good job so far. Good to see another UK grower on RUI.
Firstly, your pH meter, if you are using that green thing and if it is a light/moisture/Ph meter, its crap! Sorry to bring you the bad news but the pH meter is not worth a toss. I know because I have got one myself. (cost about a fiver). You will probably find that it reads a pH of 7 or there about no matter what you test with it.
I just use mine for testing the moisture and only water my plants if it stays in the red all the way to the base of the pot.

If you have not got any pH down yet, try putting 1 drop of lemon juice to 1 pint of water. I fill up 2ltr (4 pint) milk bottles of water and the pH is usually about 7 or more, I add 4 drops of lemon (little jiff lemon) and that brings it down to 6.
the first time I used lemon I put a tiny squirt in 4 pints and it dropped to about 4 so you must be careful how much you use.

Looking good though mate.
Oh yes, DONT use a halogen, all that will do is burn the plants if its too close and nothing at all if its further away even though the light is very bright it is in the wrong spectrum for plant growth.