First time grow CFL Monster Box


Well-Known Member
If you were to repot you should be doing it soon, as long as you are careful with them you wont put much stress on them. If your going to the hydro shop Im sure they will have a great soil for you, you can use pretty much any kind they arent going to react
When I stop by the hydro store tomorrow I'll be sure to ask the local grow pro about it and see what he thinks too. I would certainly move up in pot size of I knew the yield was going to be increased potentially. We have the room to do it now as well that we wound up with the 3 female's.

Will be sure to look into it more.


Well-Known Member
Hey man greaT LOOKING PLANTS YA GOT THERE woops caps was on. Anyhoo keep up the work and I'll check in with ya.
The boys are right tho, you should switch up to larger pots. I like the 5 gallon.


Well-Known Member
Good day all, welcome to the update. Today is day 14 of flower.

So after much deliberation, research, and advice from you guys on here, Thursday night I made a run and picked up some 3 gallon pots, some more soil, and made the transplant into bigger, more luxurious surroundings! The 3 ladies are now 36 hours into their new homes and have reacted beautifully!

I have a couple of pics and will post some more tomorrow, but the battery died in the camera when I was about 4 pics in last night. Check em' out though, and check back later for more. I was able to notice a difference even from last night when I took the pics below, and how they looked this morning when I watered them. Getting exciting!!!!




Well-Known Member
Pics coming this weekend!!!!! MY GOD WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE!!! Coming along beautifulllllllllllllllllllly.
Hey guys, sorry for the tardiness the last week in not adding any new photos, but boy am I gonna make it up to you all today!

Its been 11 days since the last post and a very active 11 days of flower! We took some clippings a week or so ago and have them healthy and happy in a nice new greenhouse environment.

Check out the latest pics from tonight, just a wee bit of a difference since the last update!

These ones are the first of many to come in which I dedicate to people who think you can't grow a sick strain with CFL's. Booooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyy!



Well-Known Member
The whole Pine Sol mixed with water running thru a fountain idea.... TOTALLY WORKS!!! With the right mixture, you can leave your place smelling fresh and not overpowering like a Pine Sol punch to the head.

I still highly recommend the carbon filter, its done wonders.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Wow dude Nice Compact Plants =] im surprised your using all blue cfl's seems to be doing good but the red ones help. Peace
PS you switched lights to 12/12 11 days ago??


Well-Known Member
Wow dude Nice Compact Plants =] im surprised your using all blue cfl's seems to be doing good but the red ones help. Peace
PS you switched lights to 12/12 11 days ago??
No no, we have been 12/12 for a month now, about 33 days.

The light set up in the box is working out great. We've followed some great ideas from multiple box designs and incorporated a bit from each into our design. The big boy 42W (150's) for flower are highly recommended and as you can see, work great.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
No no, we have been 12/12 for a month now, about 33 days.

The light set up in the box is working out great. We've followed some great ideas from multiple box designs and incorporated a bit from each into our design. The big boy 42W (150's) for flower are highly recommended and as you can see, work great.

Yeah i thought they looked big for 11 days in flower so why i asked.


Well-Known Member
Here we are, today is day 65 overall and day 30 or flower for our White Widow Manitoba ladies. Still feeding them water every second or third day and also a dose of nutes at that time as well.

Here's a few more pics taken this morning during watering. Each plant right now is about 2 feet tall. Lights are still sitting about 3 inches above the plant and we've been moving the lights up an inch every second day pretty well.



Dr High

Well-Known Member
You'll have massive Colas on there man!! =] i like =) keep it up.. if you don't mind what are ya feeding these ladies since they started flower?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words guys, its been going great and we're only a few weeks from smokin' our own! Its been more fun than anything.

Dr. High asked what it was we are using for nutrient, and I snapped a pic or two to show you. Now all the Miracle Grow haters out there can tell me to use other stuff, but this has clearly worked very well for us so far and it was well researched prior to usage. Contrary to popular belief, it works wonders. I've always heard people bash it to promote independant stuff, but rarely have I heard people bash it who have actually used it! I've seen not just our results, but others result at the end of their plant cycle with the Miracle Gro product we are using and it was enough to convince me its what I want to use.

Thw low down: Miracle Gro All Purpose Liquid houseplant Food 8-7-6 with 0.10% Chelated Iron for "lush houseplants".

Available anywhere and we have been administering it each time we water, about 12-15 drops around the stock into moist soil.

Check it out...



Active Member
whast up bendavejack? i juss read ur whole threat and im a new grower under your same circumstances and it makes me so happy to see u've had such a good suscess with MG and with CFL's cuz i got my babys under the same thing. their a lil more than 2 weeks old u can check them out in my pics. i always hurd the MG bashers and i was worried about that but the only problem im having is that my plants are starting to show lil brown spots in the leaves. do u have any idea what this could be? underwatering? to much heat? my grow room/closet stays about 85 degrees. if u could post up some new pics that be cool so i can see how far ur plants are now...


Well-Known Member
whast up bendavejack? i juss read ur whole threat and im a new grower under your same circumstances and it makes me so happy to see u've had such a good suscess with MG and with CFL's cuz i got my babys under the same thing. their a lil more than 2 weeks old u can check them out in my pics. i always hurd the MG bashers and i was worried about that but the only problem im having is that my plants are starting to show lil brown spots in the leaves. do u have any idea what this could be? underwatering? to much heat? my grow room/closet stays about 85 degrees. if u could post up some new pics that be cool so i can see how far ur plants are now...
Ruzzo, I would not worry too much about your brown spos on your leaves at this point. It is going to happen to nearly every plant at some point it seems during the process of growth. When I have noticed it, it has been something that comes for a day or two and then its gone again. Here's a couple of keys to remember...

1) Make sure your lights are a good 3 inches above the tops of your plants at all times. Keeping them too close will result in burn and you don't wanna hurt those tops leaves that will sonn fill with sticky crystals! Its a weed, one of the easiest things in the world to grow and keep alive, so don't stress it too much with overheating. Your plant will adapt to its grow environment and not outgrow it. That's why when plants are outside and in the natural sun, you see them grow to huge proportion. The heat they take in is a loooong disance away with nothing standing in its way of growing straight up. Inside, in a grow box or closet, its not going to grow 8 feet high. You'll see guys on here using full out rooms with high powered HPS lights that with the right surroundings, will grow to be huge, but that's all because of the perfect grow surroundings.

2) Make sure you are not over feeding or watering. Depending on the soil you use and your choice of nutrient, you really need to know what's best for your plant with water cycles. I have found that with this strain of White Widow Manitoba's, we have been watering on average every 2 days in flower cycle, and pretty well the same in the veg cycle. YOUR FANS MAKE A HUGE IMPACT on how frequently you are watering the plants. In our greenhouse, we have 2, 4 inch desk fans and our side mounted intake fan blowing in there 24 hours a day to provide our plants with the proper air and "dancing tops" that you desire.

The main thing to remember is not to overthink it and over do things. Its when people get too excited (especially when its the first time growing your own) that things get fucked up. Try to make your indoor grow environment as much like an outside grow environment for your plant, and you will succeed.

AND NOW FOR THE GOOD SHIT. You asked for more pictures, and you shall receive. Today is day 72 overall and day 36 in the flower cycle. 3 White Widow Manitoba Mix. Making their first appearance in this update are a few of the clones that we cut from each of our plants. They'll be out of their smaller environment this week and into the big house.




Active Member
damn! those r some healthy plants 4 a first time, lookin good bro.! def. gettn some 42 watters to add to my 250...will be waitin to see rep.