First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
Water mor often your soil is bone dry you want it to still be moist. Finally you put in that flouro light. for like twenty bucks you could get a double. You'll be surprised with the amount of growth it generates. I currently have Two double Cool white flouro, very cheap on utility and no heat.
i water every three days cuz i thought it wasnt good to water too much? and where do u get double fluoros for 20? home depot?


Well-Known Member
no i havent...i dont have anything to check with...why? does something look bad?
Ha if the ph is too high or too low it will lock out nutes and good shit in the soil which will inturn in ur plant having problems. I only asked cause on one of ur pictures ur plant looks fine just saw red/purple stems, usually that means a defiency but since i dont kno the strain it could be the strain. Thats why i asked bout ph to see if maybe there was a probelm so u could fix it before hand.

i water every three days cuz i thought it wasnt good to water too much? and where do u get double fluoros for 20? home depot?
Watering too much is way worse then watering too little. Your suppose to water until u start seeing water coming out the buttom, then let ur soil dry so that the plants roots grow chasing the water. Then once it either feels lite or is dry enuff , stinking pinky in soil about 2 inches will let u kno, Then u feed it again until u see it coming out the buttom. Anyway hope all this helps.


Well-Known Member
def thanks man...where can i get an inexpensive pH reader? preferably at a store, not online....
you can get lil pain in the ass ones at home depot etc.. They have electronic ph testers.. but i'm not gonna lie their like 50-90 bucks! I paid 75 for mine. they rock tho. U calibrate it, after i mix my water n nutes together just stick it in the water, n wait it finally stops on the ph then i adjust accordingly they rock. They do have lil manual testers tho for cheap, home depot, walmart, etc.. usually in the garden area.. if its not there i think u can find em in teh pool area.


Well-Known Member
Bro, don't worry bout those. Just go to HD or Lowes and look in the section where they keep their pool shit. You will find a PH meter there that will give you a decent reading.


Well-Known Member
Bro, don't worry bout those. Just go to HD or Lowes and look in the section where they keep their pool shit. You will find a PH meter there that will give you a decent reading.
ya they both work. I'm just lazy. n have money enuff to buy one of those without caring :P


Well-Known Member
Yea, but I don't think that's the situation with our boy canna.

But if he can't find a hydro shop, then that will be his best bet.



Well-Known Member
Yea, but I don't think that's the situation with our boy canna.

But if he can't find a hydro shop, then that will be his best bet.

def ;P when he said inexpensive thats why i mentioned those first haha! But i dont like em .. ew


Well-Known Member
lol haha thanks guys...bad news tho...i got home and the place i originally had for them doesnt i tried to move them to a diff spot and there weren't enuf pretty much i was screwed for keepin them planted the three of them in my now i know you guys are prob thnkin oh man that sux...and're so right...but i had no choice, trust me. but i thnk i can def make it work don't worry. its in a nice hidden spot, lots of dirt of course, and its pretty good quality dirt (i hope)...i can just head back there as much as i want and nute them. they get plenty of sunlight too...oh and btw im gonna start some smaller plants inside and transport them outside wen they get too big and smelly...ill get pics of the new home for my plants a lil later, im still unpacking and shit...


Well-Known Member
well here they are everyone...stupid law keepin me from my babies! haha ok lil too dramatic...but seriously this blows

Group photo lol




Their new home in the woods...blah...any suggestions? i know its nothing special but it's gonna have to do...:cry:


Well-Known Member
Damn sorry to hear that bro. If they do well out there, those fuckers will ge thuge.

HAHAHa..looks like dog shit around the plants.


Well-Known Member
actually i thought it would be nice to shit around the plants...ya kno, natural ok ok seriously thats nasty, but u really thnk theyll get big?


Well-Known Member
Yea man, those fuckers will grow like trees. You never seen an outside plant? The damn stems on those things look like tree trunks.

Take care of them and they should do well.


Well-Known Member
aww man your in for a suprise!!!!......them bitches is bout to looks like you found the perfect spot....very stealthy..kinda makes me wanna go look in the yard to set up a nice ready for a big harvest this fall:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so is that how long i should wait? the fall? i mean i go back to school sept. 5th or is there any way i could do it earlier?