First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
lol....yea man get the 12/12 experience and the full grow experience.....i have yet to grow a plant to full potential but im not complainin....12/12 works just fine and i get buds more frequently
Mines been in veg for almost two months. They are both a foot tall...

I think I'm going to flower Tuesday or Friday..


Well-Known Member
400 watt HPS with EYE Hortilux bulb. Or I'm going to pick up one of those cheap HPS bulbs from Lowes.


oops...don't mean to hijack yer thread cannabum!


Well-Known Member
the lowes in baton rouge sucks major ass...i can never find a hps there....and i dont know where home depot


Well-Known Member
400 watt HPS with EYE Hortilux bulb. Or I'm going to pick up one of those cheap HPS bulbs from Lowes.


oops...don't mean to hijack yer thread cannabum!

yea i was actually talkin to cannabum,but hey....


Well-Known Member
Though so - LOL!

But I had just said I was planning on flowering so I wasn't too sure. ;)



Well-Known Member
lol its cool guys...i dont really care who says wat on my thread as long as wen i ask a question about growing i get an answer.. :lol: lol but yea im using 3 100 watt equiv. CFL's...i heard CFL's dont work well in flowering, but I don't have the money for anything else...i may add one more light wen i finally get home and get some more bills...


Well-Known Member
lol its cool guys...i dont really care who says wat on my thread as long as wen i ask a question about growing i get an answer.. :lol: lol but yea im using 3 100 watt equiv. CFL's...i heard CFL's dont work well in flowering, but I don't have the money for anything else...i may add one more light wen i finally get home and get some more bills...

please dont belive cfl's dont work,check my first grow (mary) which i believe you have already seen it,and that was under two 42watt cfl's...and a 26 watt im sure your gonna do supurb


Well-Known Member
lol im doin 100 watt theyre like 23 watts i thnk...yea 3 of em...i wouldve gotten 150 watts if i knew they existed b4 i bought the 100s...oh well...u thnk im still good tho?


Well-Known Member might be pushing it alittle...but im sure you'll have a few more cfl's when they're really into flowering....i didnt start off with all the cfl's i have now...actually i started off with just tow 27 watt full spectrum floros...but your good...for


Well-Known Member
well everyone is lookin awesome this morning...with the exception to that one plant...i may just end up putting it out of its misery...its really not making any improvements...i feel like the other two are leavin it in the dust...ill see on wednesday...if it didnt make ne improvements by then, im throwin it...gotta take a trip home today...job interview, ill be back later tonite to maybe get some pictures up, if not, then def tmw...hang in there guys, i kno the suspense is just killlllling you all hahaha


Well-Known Member
yes it is killing me...i just revived myself.....cant wait for updates...and good luck with the job interview:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok, so here are those updates I promised...everyone looks good...plant 3 still looking sad lol...

This one looks all crazy like a it will now be named Spidey lol

This one's name is Pizzle lol


Here's the deal...on wednesday I have to transport these plants to my house. My time schedule is lights ON from 6 AM to 6 PM and off from 6PM-6AM...but it's gonna need to be dark the whole ride home b/c they will be in a bin in my car...i have2 be home at like 10 or 11 in the AM b/c i wanna get my shit home b4 my parents get back from it hurt the plants if they get an extended time of darkness in the middle of flowering? if it stunts them for a few days id be willing to take the hit..thanks everyone