First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Finally made it to reputation beyond repute! Great White North just hit me not long ago while I was offline, because google chrome froze up on me. Lookin forward to hearing how good that smoke is my friend...:weed:
Pfft, aren't you two and your reps just so special.. :rolleyes: lol, only kidding

Edit: Bahaha I just got 420 time with this post..


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on that! The hardest part for me is I used it to put my ass down for the night, now that I'm not smoking I don't sleep worth a shit. Am very much looking forward to my first harvest in a while. I can guarantee ya'll, I won't ever be out
Haha nor will I cuz I'm not stopping grown just cuz I can't smoke! Hmmph, get my therapy through the gardening now :cool:


Well-Known Member
Haha just think how much you can have saved up or
Lol, well I'm sure I'll smoke off and on after randoms (ua's). Pisses me off really cuz it's not like I'm gonna get blazed before or during work, and i have my med authorization.. not to mention it's legal by state law recreationally.. So if someone can drink on their own time I should be allowed to smoke. REALLY stupid IMO
Which One...hahahaha
LMAO, I was thinking more the cat... we'd all be the eagle in that case... heeeeeeere BBBBSSSDDDDDDDDDDDD... HERE PUSSY PUSSY PUSSYYYYYY..... Lol

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Amen to that! As they say, a man should be judged on the quality of his work, not the quality of his piss.


Well-Known Member
Lol, well I'm sure I'll smoke off and on after randoms (ua's). Pisses me off really cuz it's not like I'm gonna get blazed before or during work, and i have my med authorization.. not to mention it's legal by state law recreationally.. So if someone can drink on their own time I should be allowed to smoke. REALLY stupid IMO

LMAO, I was thinking more the cat... we'd all be the eagle in that case... heeeeeeere BBBBSSSDDDDDDDDDDDD... HERE PUSSY PUSSY PUSSYYYYYY..... Lol


Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I have done the dirty deed, I have chopped my baby like Solomon! The nugs are dense as all hell, not the airy buds people kept saying CFLs would give me. I like it. Wet weight for the parts I cut totals at a little over 175 grams, more than I thought it would, so I should get at least a ounce like I wanted, plus whatever the last 3 branches wind up weighing (Will leave them for a few days to a couple weeks depending on how they grow now that the rest has been cut)

Anyhow, onward to what I'm sure everyone is waiting for, the PICS PICS PICS! :)

The Table O' Carnage (The little pile is all trichome encrusted sugar leaves, all the fan leaves went into the compost already. Gonna vape the shit out of those sugar leaves. Waste not, want not)
Both hangars individually, and hung in the closet in between my Eva-Dry to prevent mold. Couldn't find twisty ties, so I had to make do with binder clips and bobby pins, I think it turned out cool

Annnnd finally the last 3 branches that I am letting grow out before harvesting since they are covered in fresh pistils.
Hollow stems are for soulless plants, my baby has pith filling her main stem like an eclair


Well-Known Member
Well done on your first grow man. Congrats on making it to harvest successfully. And for sure dispelled some of the cfl disbelief I had before.


Well-Known Member
Nice job Ace :weed: Can't wait to hear how it turns out when dry and smokable. I've heard good things about agent orange, so I'm very curious as to what you have to say about it. So now that you have your first grow under your belt, get to growing another one or two

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! It's gonna be hard to wait to smoke her but it will be sooo worth the wait (I think)!! I need to make a final decision about what strain(s) to grow, I'll post my top 5 later tonight or tomorrow once I have em narrowed down so you guys can help me pick. Gonna be an outdoor grow, so I also need to figure out when to start em. I was thinking April? Days are never that long around here (15 hours max I believe, 16 if you include dawn and dusk) so I don't want to start until they are at least 12.5 hours and rising, ya know? I know that plants grown outdoors have a different kind of photoperioditism in that they veg/flow more based on if days are getting longer or shorter and less about it being <6 hours dark or >12 hours dark, but I still don't want to plant them when the days are under 12 hours of light.