first time cfl pics


Well-Known Member
God I am home from work finally but the lights turned off like an hour ago!!! Damnit now i am going to go smoke to keep my mind off my baby!

Update: Still no signs of sex..


Well-Known Member
Finally off work!

Here are a few pics of my baby!
day 28.jpg
day 28 top view.jpg

I see something comeing out of the Sexing spots... I really hope they are pistils.. its hard to tell right now... oh and, will pistils just come outa the stem or will there be a base to them if anyone gets that..


Well-Known Member
Its eaiser than you think to tell the sex. I found it suprising but i could tell stright away if it was a girl or not. Plus even you think it might be male if it's only just showing sex you can leave it for a couple of days till your sure. You don't have to rip it up stright away at the first sign of a male, most people worry about them pollanting there females but you have at least a good few days after they first show sex before they release pollen. As for the showing sex bit sorry didn't really get what you meant. With my lowryder's the first sign of sex for me was 2 little white hairs coming out of the top of the stem. Not sure if it will be the same for you though cos your not growing autoflower strain like me.

Finally off work!

Here are a few pics of my baby!
View attachment 196582
View attachment 196583

I see something comeing out of the Sexing spots... I really hope they are pistils.. its hard to tell right now... oh and, will pistils just come outa the stem or will there be a base to them if anyone gets that..


Well-Known Member
I know how to sex, i just dont have a magnifying glass to see the signs all hella early.. I found out yesterday it is a male... kinda pisses me off but you never know with bag seeds... ill keep it for the experience. Ill just try to keep the thing alive..


Well-Known Member
I know how to sex, i just dont have a magnifying glass to see the signs all hella early.. I found out yesterday it is a male... kinda pisses me off but you never know with bag seeds... ill keep it for the experience. Ill just try to keep the thing alive..
I feel for you. With all those lights on one plant, you would've gotten some nice bud if it had been a girl. :weed:


Well-Known Member
day 29.jpgYesterday day 29
day 29 male...jpgYesterday day 29
day 30 male for sure.jpg Today earlier day 30
day 30 later.jpg Today more recent day 30
day 30 later rotated.jpg Today more recent rotated day 30


Well-Known Member
sorry i havent been on in a while im on vacation in hawaii..
a damn well deserved vacation too...
i havent been updating much since the plant is a male :wall: which im still pissed about.. anyways ill put pics up of my boy when i get back..
my bro has been takin good care of it but he doesnt know how to get pics up..

i will be ordering fem seeds soon so i dont have to deal with this male bullshit anymore..