First Time CFL. Check it Out!


Well-Known Member
I ended up placing the housing container into another one with warm water to try and increase moisture.

Trying to seal it up the best i can. I hope for around 80 degrees.

I am not 100% but i think i will only keep the clones in the water for 24hrs, then switch to soil. I still have to do more research. Cant seem to find that much information about cloning with just water.


Going to keep the clones in the water for 6 or 7 days, they should start to root by then.


Well-Known Member
I have a question. My plant is growing about 1" each day, i am day 8 into flower and i am 20 1/4" tall. My question is how tall can a plant get in a 7" x 7" x 5" pot? Here are some pics -


I just do not want it to get 6ft tall xD. She has 8 26watt 2700k cfls 2k lumen each and 2 6500k tubes only pushing out about 1500 lumen each. It should be enough light, im not sure if the plant is stretching for more light or just growing because thats what it does when it starts flowering. The stock and leaves look healthy as hell.

Thx in advance for any help :D


Well-Known Member
If you started 12/12 from seed then it honestly shouldn't get too much bigger I don't think. Im digging everything though, your girl looks really healthy. Good job!


Well-Known Member
thx :D.. Ya, i am just stressing over nothing lol. a lot of unknowns with a first grow i guess. Ill keep updating photos.


Well-Known Member
Couldnt take it, she was getting way to tall. I just tied her down today and shes already growing up.. It is amazing how durable plants can be.. I am impressed (Pics)

She is 11 days into flower.

Question - do u think i will have to support her from the bottom once she gets heavy??


Well-Known Member
Wow! more than you can handle eh? Can't wait to flower mine! Lookin' great dude I'm subbed


Active Member
Holy fuck, your baby is huge!!! She wants to grow so bad! I hope my baby can stay short and stocky. I also got an auto flower to be sure. Mine's about 22 days old and maybe 3 inches high :D I don't expect a huge yield, just enough to go into profit range. She looked amazing from the beginning, hope your clones work out well. Stick with me and I'll stick with you! :)


Well-Known Member
Thx Guys :D.. She is a lot to handle but love every inch of her.

Here is a better pic of where i topped her.


Shes still looking great.. i am feeding her every other water, still using mg 15 30 15 :D.. Some more pics below.




Active Member
Holy moly, your girl likes to grow, I don't know if you could stop her! That's how you know you have a good setup going on. :D What strain is that? Whatever it is, she looks killer. sub'd +rep


Well-Known Member
Holy moly, your girl likes to grow, I don't know if you could stop her! That's how you know you have a good setup going on. :D What strain is that? Whatever it is, she looks killer. sub'd +rep
hi, thx.

It is some random bag seed. It most likely came from a 15ft tall plant grown in mexico or columbia :D. It is nothing really high quality. I'll have to see how good i can make it turn out, i am sure i can make it better than the smoke the seed came out of.

i finally think i made it past the fast vertical growth stage. have not had to adjust the lights in 2 days. the buds are starting to fill in also. Still waiting on it to start to smell a lot, must have to give it a couple more weeks.


Well-Known Member
Was worried about the size of my pot. Do not think it is big enough for my plant. It is kinda late to transplant her so i added a tray and filled it rocks and water so the roots have a place to go. We'll see what happens. -pics


Also I WILL NEVER MOVE MY PLANT AGAIN! Just had a terrifying experience moving her into that tray. She is tied to another pot so it was not fun. This plant is breaking me in right for my first grow. If i can get through this grow i can get through any :D


Active Member
Looks so nice! That is a very small pot though, at like 20 days old I transplanted to my final size, figured it was better earlier then later. I think my pot might be a bit bigger then yours and look at how small my plants are! But you obviously seem to be doing the best.


Well-Known Member
Looks so nice! That is a very small pot though, at like 20 days old I transplanted to my final size, figured it was better earlier then later. I think my pot might be a bit bigger then yours and look at how small my plants are! But you obviously seem to be doing the best.
thx :D. The amount of information i have taken in for this first grow is going to make my 2nd grow seem like a walk in the park. Be glad u have a smaller plant :D. My girl is abusing me xDD she's really giving it to me rough, i kinda like it -_- Super rep 4 U :D


Active Member
thx :D. The amount of information i have taken in for this first grow is going to make my 2nd grow seem like a walk in the park. Be glad u have a smaller plant :D. My girl is abusing me xDD she's really giving it to me rough, i kinda like it -_- Super rep 4 U :D
Haha, when I pull it maybe 10g and you pull in an ounce you'll be happy how big your girl is.


Well-Known Member
Haha, when I pull it maybe 10g and you pull in an ounce you'll be happy how big your girl is.
Would be nice to get an oz. Just hope she fills in good :D. I over watered the crap out of her but she is doing good again. Just have to feed her.



I just started a few more plants today. They are bag seeds. I would like to buy some seeds one day. Not sure what site to go with. Would be nice to know that the plant i am growing is female. Have to wounder with bag seeds :(


Well-Known Member
Just some more pics. :D


Going to have to feed her more. She is showing signs of nute deficiency. I'n these pics i just got finished leaf feeding her so shes all wet. Hope it helps..


Well-Known Member
From what I've been reading, go with attitude seedbank for buying seeds, I've read nothing but good things, I think my next grow I'll use them instead of bagseed