First Time Butter Need Some Advice?


Well-Known Member
I'm getting ready to make butter for the first time I had cut up my stalk into small pieces and put it a ziplock bag. It had set out for a cpl of weeks before I zipped it. Anyway I noticed some mold on the stalks. Would it still be safe to use the stalks in my butter? Or should just get rid of it and just use my trimmings and fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
Mold is bad. Don't use moldy marijuana products for eating or smoking. Just use your trim and fan leaves, and maybe a few handfuls of bud if you're feelin lucky, but no mold. First time butter huh?, you will be hooked cause that shit is great.


Well-Known Member
Mold is bad. Don't use moldy marijuana products for eating or smoking. Just use your trim and fan leaves, and maybe a few handfuls of bud if you're feelin lucky, but no mold. First time butter huh?, you will be hooked cause that shit is great.

Okay Cool no mold that sucks I thought the stalk and branches were all dried out. I let it dry in the garage for at least two weeks. Anyway I just put 122 grams of ground up trim and leaves from one plant into 6 sticks of unsalted butter in the crockpot. Does that sound right or should I use more butter? I'm gonna let it cook overnight and strain the butter in the morn.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ratio sounds ok. I only cook mine for about 40-50 min. Overnight would ruin it. Here is my method. Bring water to a slow boil, pitch in butter and turn heat to low-med, when butter melts add pot and cook for 40-50 min. Strain out plant material squeezing all liquid from leaves, put liquid in fridge overnight. Skim off butter in the morning. Note a tall slender container works better for hardening butter than a short wide one. Might not be the professional way, if there is one, but it sure gets me ripped.


Well-Known Member
i'm cooking butter right now! i use a crock pot and the only recipe that I use is 2 hrs. on high and 2hrs. on low. i've tried everything else (timing/heat/amount) and this always works like a madman


Well-Known Member
Ratio sounds ok. I only cook mine for about 40-50 min. Overnight would ruin it. Here is my method. Bring water to a slow boil, pitch in butter and turn heat to low-med, when butter melts add pot and cook for 40-50 min. Strain out plant material squeezing all liquid from leaves, put liquid in fridge overnight. Skim off butter in the morning. Note a tall slender container works better for hardening butter than a short wide one. Might not be the professional way, if there is one, but it sure gets me ripped.
You know I value your advice. But I just wanna tell you I've read so many threads on how to make butter it's crazy. I see a lot of people slow cooking it in crockpots for 12 to 24 hours, double boilers, the method you just described and whether to cook it using water or just cook it in straight butter and it seems to me they all get good results. So which way is the best I don't know. I'm gonna just stay locked down on the method I'm doing now. My main concern was the weed to butter ratio because it seems that everyone has an opinion on that as well.

I might have messed up but I added two more sticks of butter in the pot because it just seemed to thick so that means I have 2 lbs of butter and just over 4 oz of weed in the pot.

Will post later on progress.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I went with 1 hour on high 5 on low. I strained it with an old T shirt into a glass bowl and got it setting in the fridge now I hope to wake up in the morning with a solid block of butter. I guess I'll be making some brownies or cookies in the morning. I hope this is some good stuff. I might post a picture in the morning followed by a report of the potency. I don't know how dark it should be but it is like jet black right now. Has anybody tried to make cinnamon toast with this stuff because I think that's what I'm having with my morning coffee.

Wake -n- Bake


Well-Known Member
Okay I busted out the butter this morning and made 2 pieces of cinnamon toast with my morning coffee. The butter was still hard at this point and was kinda difficult to spread but I got the job done. I might have used a tbs for both pieces. I waited a good 45 min and could start feeling the effects. Round # 2 I made another 2 pieces but this time the butter was softened and more spreadable I put a least 1 tbs on each piece. My eyes are feeling real heavy and I got a nice buzz going on at the moment. As of right now I don't feel that I hit a home run with this batch but I definitely made it to second base. I'm happy with the results but it could have been better. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. If there is anybody that does not know what cinnamon toast is. It's a piece of toast with butter spread on it with powdered sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on it.



Well-Known Member
lol, that probably tastes delicious but it looks like deer droppings.
i insist 2hr high 2hr low makes bomb every time



Active Member
So it'd be my first go at it, and I was wondering if anyone has used semi-freshly harvested bud to make butter (and then to brownies). I have some popcorn trim that I don't really want, and was wondering if I could throw it in there.

If you have used this, how much would you suggest putting in (butter : pot) thanks a ton!


Well-Known Member
Oh...I don't think i've ever heard of someone EATING the butter strait, usually they make some confection that requires butter...Delicious?


Well-Known Member
I wrote a guide to that some time ago - maybe you can find some more tips here: making hash butter
Always think about how much butter you want to eat - make sure that amount of butter contains the amount of bud you want to be influenced by. (aprox. 1 gram of great weed for a regular - two grams for a toker) - be careful - high doze when eating can be very unpleasant.


Well-Known Member
I've used it before and it worked fine.
The bud was dry and I used 7 grams to each cube of butter (1/2 cup).
Crockpot method.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
But I just wanna tell you I've read so many threads on how to make butter it's crazy...So which way is the best I don't know.
Tr00f. I'm of the opinion that when it comes to weed, no matter what aspect is being discussed, there's always more than 1 way to skin the proverbial cat.


Active Member
man, i just ate a quarter of a brownie and im baked, ate 2 the first time and ,, well .. i was fucked. if i put my butter on toast like that i would freak the fuck out lol.