First time Aero grower with a few questions and pics of my build.


Well-Known Member
Whats up stoners!? So I have been growing for a few years now and wanted to change things up and try something new. I have always grown hydro(DWC, Hempy, Waterfarm) but wanted a new system to run. So I built a self contained aero. I do have a few questions.

First, I will only be flowering in the system and would like to know the best way to veg. I am guessing dwc so I can just pull the netpot out of the DWC and drop it into the aero.
Also, How far past in the intake should the water be? A couple inches? My res is 16gallons. How much of that should be water/food?

How many plants for a system this size? I was thinking either 2 or three max.
What size net pot should the plants be in?

Is there anything about aero I need to know or is it just like any other hydro?
Do I need to worry about res temps like I would in DWC? rootrot? slime?

I'll be using dyna-gro bloom and pro-tek; Are these systems ok to run products like greatwhite, Heinbergs tea, etc. with my base. I would assume so as long as it doesn't clog the system anywhere. I just got a bunch of samples of great white, orca, jellyfish and Mike O'rizey. I would like to top feed some of this to my plants. Anyone use this in their system or have experience using any of these?

Is the pump/sprayers supposed to run 24/7 Or should I give it a break for an hour a couple times a day? I would have to guess that having the pump off is a faster way to get build up in the sprayers, right?

So anyways, to the pictures. I am going to set the pump in a small bucket inside the res. that has a bunch of holes in it to keep things out of the pump and to stop the roots from growing into the pump which I am sure has happened before.

*If you watch the video (its only a minute long) I would turn the sound down cause while filming I got a text message and it's loud as shit**


IMAG1095.jpg IMAG1099.jpg IMAG1100.jpgIMAG1102.jpgIMAG1112.jpg IMAG1115.jpg IMAG1113.jpg IMAG1116.jpg IMAG1117.jpgIMAG1110.jpg

Reward for a job well done; IMAG1098.jpg

Thanks for reading :) \m/ #303
only things I can help out with is that you need to paint/tape that tub up so no light gets in, also you run the pump on a cycle timer, either programmable or the preset 1 on 4 off setups(pump running 24/7 helps heat up the water). I am running heizenbergs tea in my aero setup and am pretty sure its fine for these systems. for water food get a ph meter and ppm meter to get those right and the water cant be too warm either. as for the specific nutrient questions I have no idea.


Well-Known Member
@maddmatt02 - Thanks man. I am planning on painting the entire things, aside from the front where I have the stickers. So you run yours on a timer? I've done some reading online about Aero and nothing is really said about a timer or not. Thank you for the first hand information.

Anyone else willing to chime in? I woke up today thinking this post would be hot. Guess not :)


Well-Known Member
I went from what you are doing to a high pressure version (requires Aquatech 8800 pump + high pressure mist heads).

MMJ roots do not like being soaked, unless they are simultaneously being heavily aerated

The most important part is a deep cycle timer. Literally on times below 15 seconds followed by 3-5 minutes- depends on your ambient room tmps.

Heat: you must reflect heat away from the top plate or your inside pod temp humidity will skyrocket- root rot, etc

After several years, I inverted it, and have excellent results with no hassles



Well-Known Member
Im doing an all in one. So its more like a Aero DWC. How do you run your pumps PF?


Well-Known Member
Both questions are answered WITHIN my thread. That's why I made it, to avoid such basic questions.