You should definitely move the led up, they usually need some distance to properly blend the light. Cal/mg deficiencies are fairly common, and easy to fix.
I have some CalMg+ but it tends to lower my ph by a crap load and since I was having so much trouble with high ph, I bought ph down and no ph up so I guess I have to go out again and buy some. I just watered again with very watered down CalMg+ at around 5.5ph cause the soil was pretty dry (haven't watered in almost 3 days) and the water seemed to run through very quickly compared to other waterings. I hope this isn't a side effect of something else.... Any ideas?
I don't know if I mentioned this before, but the plant has been rootbound since about day 30 so maybe this effects something?
As of about 15 hours ago, the LED light has been moved to 6 inches away from the top flower/leaf.