First Soil Grow, In My Closet


Well-Known Member
yeah, except soon I'm gonna have an odor problem. Cause my plant already is starting t smell. although it smells like a skunk sprayed it or something, it's getting bad.


Well-Known Member
damn I overwatered the bigger two, I had them sitting in a small pool of water but it made the soil too moist.


Well-Known Member
well my girlfriend pulled them all up and the biggest one is barely in there, I had a chrystal seedling pop up though so we'll start from there.

here's day 2

click the link since the damn picture won't show up.


Well-Known Member
Well now I have some more pics. My camera broke for awhile but now I got another one.

Only one plant now
chrystal day 16



Well-Known Member
well great, I tried to germinate all my bagseed(60) and ALL of them sprouted and apparently are extremely healthy plants, so I'm reluctant to throw any away. But damn where am I gonna put 60 plants?!


Well-Known Member
nope not really, I found room8) I put them in 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers with 6 42 watt cfls in each.


Well-Known Member
lmao that will hold them off as sprouts but when they get bigger and flower ur gunna be stuck in a big dilema