First SOG


New Member
I Have four plants from seed just begging to show their preflowers, think I will know there sex any day. I plan to cut clones and start a perpetual grow in about a week. this is my second grow and I will be flowing Under two 400w hps. I am thinking of using these 25cm (about 1 gl) square pots I have. I was planning to put 3x3 pots under each light. I hope this will be enough watts to do so. I have read different things on how to trim for SOG i.e cutting all side branching off but, I'm not sure how to go about it. Also I'm not sure if I should put the Rockwool directly in these pots and if they will be ok to stay in these until harvest. If anyone can shed some light on the trimming and the setup it will be highly appreciated. TOTHEMOON!