First organic soil mix. What do you think?

I think the dankest thing to do would be double your base, then double these 5:
your kelp, greensand, crab, oyster, rock dust

Then i would NOT add any extra guano, salt, flow pow, sup grow, and especially no more bone meal or blood meal..

.. do yourself some clean justice, my friend ..
Got some killer amendments there, I'd lean on those one more than your weaker ones, right
I second this. Especially the kelp, that stuff is magic. Kelp has everything plant need to grow, literally.
Maybe since I've never done a organic mix. Is leave the one I've started as long as you don't think it will burn and build another with your recommendation. And do a little head to head. Slaughterhouse and non renewable vs organic Zen lol. Can you give me some recommendations? The five I have at how much per cuft?

Kelp is approx .5 -1 cup per cbf pf your base mix. Rocks dusts are 4cups per cbf of base. I use only 2 cups of greensand per cbf, other do more. For the oyster and crab 3-4 cups should do per cbf, too much calcium could be a bad thing, so don't go overboard with liming agents / heavy calcium amendments.
If you want to build another mix (I think that's what you meant) for a side by side, go for it! I think you'll find like most here that the slaughterhouse products aren't that great. I absolutely loved guanos till I started using mote plant based amendments, never will touch wm now.
I second this. Especially the kelp, that stuff is magic. Kelp has everything plant need to grow, literally.

Kelp is approx .5 -1 cup per cbf pf your base mix. Rocks dusts are 4cups per cbf of base. I use only 2 cups of greensand per cbf, other do more. For the oyster and crab 3-4 cups should do per cbf, too much calcium could be a bad thing, so don't go overboard with liming agents / heavy calcium amendments.
If you want to build another mix (I think that's what you meant) for a side by side, go for it! I think you'll find like most here that the slaughterhouse products aren't that great. I absolutely loved guanos till I started using mote plant based amendments, never will touch wm now.

I third this, no jk, ha,

seriously, just wanted to say that kelp is really awesome at pulling out extra flavour .. same phenos ran SxS at .5% kelp vs 2% kelp are so radically sifferent come jar time.. i like when ran at 1-2% of Tot vol.
at this rate you can plant direct no problem and pull more weight that has more flavour..
At 3% you will get some leaf burn at the tips if planted directly, for a few sets.
And finishes bit too lush first round.. Careful amigos, its a fine fine balance

Thanks for the motivation to up my greensand tho!
Are most amendments measured (by the grower) in Cups per cubic foot, would you say?
Just a curious side note, would like your guys opinions.. As dumb as this sounds..

.. I'm stoned, wondering why everything is sold by the kg lol
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Maybe since I've never done a organic mix. Is leave the one I've started as long as you don't think it will burn and build another with your recommendation. And do a little head to head. Slaughterhouse and non renewable vs organic Zen lol. Can you give me some recommendations? The five I have at how much per cuft?
I missed this MSG, somehow.

That'd be a great idea..
And a worthwhile one

I agree with Mids ratios, let us know how this goes if you can.. Interesting idea