First organic soil mix. What do you think?

You're way more informed on micros than I, but you raise the same questions I have. I also wonder what the alfalfa extract is and is it also the main component responsible for what we're seeing or is it simply a food source? I'm lean more towards the first, but idk. We'll see how my garden likes it. I plan on building some 4x4x4 raised tomato beds with coots mix in them, maybe this will help me grow some goliath 10ft maters! Or I'll be wasting my time mostly and just watering with an expensive alfalfa tea haha, either or is fine with me in the end as long as I can grow something :)
yea... alfalfa is some good shit, and a LOT of products have it, superthrive, is a good example, for yrs people were thinking it was the b vitamins that was working, and it was in fact the triacantrol
or however you spell it, i swear i have a mental block on the spelling...
interesting though..
Making your own compost teas to keep your soil happy is about free and throw some alfalfa in with molasses once in a while. Cheap. I use peat from my own bog garden and forest floor stuff from the backyard. $15 air pump and 5 gal pail=magic! Had this aquarium pump for 7 years.
cool thing about organics is that it literally rewards you with the least amount of effort needed.
I swear i feel odd even taking credit for the nugs i grow, it seems like all i'm doing is adding water and paying for electricity
yea... alfalfa is some good shit, and a LOT of products have it, superthrive, is a good example, for yrs people were thinking it was the b vitamins that was working, and it was in fact the triacantrol
or however you spell it, i swear i have a mental block on the spelling...
interesting though..
Exactly what I was thinking lol. Guess we'll find out eventually.

cool thing about organics is that it literally rewards you with the least amount of effort needed.
I swear i feel odd even taking credit for the nugs i grow, it seems like all i'm doing is adding water and paying for electricity
Right?? I feel weird saying "yes, I grew this" when it feels more that it grew itself and I just played nanny when necessary.
We were planting our first veggy garden in 1973 and stopped at the feed store for bulk seeds and some "10-10-10". Owner said there is a better way and whatever I've done since has been almost all organic. So many ways to build soil over time. No sparks either!
worm castings @6/6/6?
that's not just worm castings then, that's something else too
From what I've read. You can make your own vermicompost and feed them what you want in your soil therefore adding the Npk and macros through the castings. Coot is big on this type of gardening and it makes sense to me. I could be totally wrong but that's what I got from my research.
Do keep in mind that the building blocks for nutrition must be supplied by the grower in a closed system. It is best and cheapest to buy individual amendments and mix into your soil mix. Fancy labels, graphics and hype are usually wrapped around a mix of basic components for five times the cost. Molasses watered in keeps carbon available and is inexpensive.

Pay attention to minerals and micronutrients with kelp and alfalfa. Greensand is helpful as is azomite.
I also recycle my soil mix and have reduced the minerals and micros that I add as many are long lasting and become more available over time. I also use just used mix with a bit of castings to start seeds.
Totally wrong thought it was vermicompost but your right it's amendments. Not ashamed to admit when I'm wrong.
no problem at all my friend, we've all been there.
vermicompost is some really good shit, and it's irreplaceable.
if amended compost is your thing, it's super easy to assemble a compost pile with all the needed amendments and simply allow the entire thing to break down as the compost, composts..
Cool shit, in fact that's how I do my growing.
amended leaf compost. Makes the best nugs you could ask for, and the compost is free
leaves and grassclippings go REALLY far when it comes to growing
I mean after all... that's ALL mother nature does. You don't see any magic fairy sprinkling nutrient teas in the forest...
no problem at all my friend, we've all been there.
vermicompost is some really good shit, and it's irreplaceable.
if amended compost is your thing, it's super easy to assemble a compost pile with all the needed amendments and simply allow the entire thing to break down as the compost, composts..
Cool shit, in fact that's how I do my growing.
amended leaf compost. Makes the best nugs you could ask for, and the compost is free
leaves and grassclippings go REALLY far when it comes to growing
I mean after all... that's ALL mother nature does. You don't see any magic fairy sprinkling nutrient teas in the forest...
The power of humus!!
The power of humus!!
the number one thing people forget about.
My roses, jasmine, lavender, comfrey, horsetail... all those LOVE the compost as well, my hybrid tea roses are just now blooming, the most amazing smell on earth.
no joke, if you guys like roses, check out the bluegirl.
this rose smells fantasticly amazing, if I could get cannabis to smell like this?
ohh fuck me, i'd be ALL over that
Completed the mix last night and wet it down with some compost and microbe tea with added humid and Fulvic and kelp. I was thinking about it and I'm hoping my mix isn't too hot. Anyone have any opinions? Here is the final mix with all amendments.
Base in 5 gal pails
3 promix
2 1/2 coco
3 ewc
1/2 perilite
1/2 vermiculite

48 gallons or 5. 96 cubic feet

1 cup flower power
1 cup super grow
2 cups blood meal
4 cups bone meal
2 cups kelp meal
2 cups greensand
3 cups oyster shell
1/4 cup Epsom salt
2 cups guano p
3 cups crab meal
2 cups glacial rock dust

Should I cut it with more soil or do you think this will be alright the way it is?
I've used a few different soils/mixes etc. With varied results. Our last few grows have been HAPPY FROG and p h neutral h2o....that's it.
I was just giffted appx....30 to 40 gal of river bottom soil. Just a guy with a bobcat scooping the river bed mud into a truck. I'm thinking this stuff has gotta be some good live organics....I'll add some perlite for sure EWC maybe, and a real basic ALL PURPOSE fert. You guys have some feedback? ,,,????
Completed the mix last night and wet it down with some compost and microbe tea with added humid and Fulvic and kelp. I was thinking about it and I'm hoping my mix isn't too hot. Anyone have any opinions? Here is the final mix with all amendments.
Base in 5 gal pails
3 promix
2 1/2 coco
3 ewc
1/2 perilite
1/2 vermiculite

48 gallons or 5. 96 cubic feet

1 cup flower power
1 cup super grow
2 cups blood meal
4 cups bone meal
2 cups kelp meal
2 cups greensand
3 cups oyster shell
1/4 cup Epsom salt
2 cups guano p
3 cups crab meal
2 cups glacial rock dust

Should I cut it with more soil or do you think this will be alright the way it is?

I think the dankest thing to do would be double your base, then double these 5:
your kelp, greensand, crab, oyster, rock dust

Then i would NOT add any extra guano, salt, flow pow, sup grow, and especially no more bone meal or blood meal..

.. do yourself some clean justice, my friend ..
Got some killer amendments there, I'd lean on those one more than your weaker ones, right
I think the dankest thing to do would be double your base, then double these 5:
your kelp, greensand, crab, oyster, rock dust

Then i would NOT add any extra guano, salt, flow pow, sup grow, and especially no more bone meal or blood meal..

.. do yourself some clean justice, my friend ..
Got some killer amendments there, I'd lean on those one more than your weaker ones, right
Maybe since I've never done a organic mix. Is leave the one I've started as long as you don't think it will burn and build another with your recommendation. And do a little head to head. Slaughterhouse and non renewable vs organic Zen lol. Can you give me some recommendations? The five I have at how much per cuft?