First led grow ever.....


Well-Known Member
10days..... She is expanding finally. The cold temps I had going during seedling g stage stunt her growth I think...... I'm going for a longer veg cycle any how I'm going to fill my scrog screen as best I can.....MSGR_PHOTO_FOR_UPLOAD_1525106076359.jpg_1525106079007.jpeg


Well-Known Member
The screen is 33 1/2 x 32 1/2 I used Mason's string to make the pattern, drilled every 2" on both sides, over under the lines as well with screws added to add tension to the screen as time goes on, and the line relaxes.i still have to add legs..... I wanted to use wire but I didn't have enough on hand but I had Mason's line.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20180501_154826.jpg IMG_20180501_154834.jpg MSGR_PHOTO_FOR_UPLOAD_1525188856740.jpg_1525188860323.jpeg IMG_20180501_144223.jpg Got the legs on my scrog screen this afternoon.

So I changed out my rez last night as some if you I'm using ff plus Jurassic acid and super thrive..... I added microbrew kangaroots super thrive grow big and big bloom. For now I'm halfing all feeding strength until I see some more vertical growth and a demand for more strength from the plant.......
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Well-Known Member
Looking good bud .. I’ve never tried hydro before I’ve always grown with soil ... How do u like hydro ?? Have u ever grown with soil???


Well-Known Member
First indoor grow ever did was hydro. It wasn't easy but I'd rather get the tuff stuff out if the way early.... That grow is on here alone with two others
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Well-Known Member
Back to square one yet again algea decided to take up residence on my hydroton..... Going to buy new hydroton today and I have just order west coast of and fire of seeds so I'll be going again....


Well-Known Member
Going to buy a new drip ring kit and hydroton this afternoon.... Any suggestions on killing algea for good


Well-Known Member
So I placed the light l sprout in some ffof soil. Think I'm leaving it there and just rebooting the hydro like I stated . Go my new drip ring anf air stone and hydroton plus I had some fresh unused air hose....


Well-Known Member
I've never had much luck with seedlings under "the big light". Like many others I always sprout seeds in a Dixie cups under a single cfl till first true node, then two CFLs till the roots make it to the bottom of the cup or until I have 4 nodes.

I tried a seedling under a vipraspectra once and it just sat there confused with little to no growth.


Well-Known Member
She is starting week three of life...... Too much light maybe I'm not real familiar with these led lights I'm used to hid in side


Well-Known Member
2 weeks from breaking the surface in a solo cup under a cfl gets me three to four nodes. I'm telling you I went straight under a viper once and it did exactly what yours is doing. Not a lot. Not sure if it's the amount of light, the spectrum or what.


Well-Known Member
Well I had to shut my hydro down. It had algea growing in it..... I trans planted the little plant into ffoc soil and gave it some ff bomarang come back one more water with the bomarang and if she is growing wellit back in veg tent.... Mean while I germed 2 bubba kush (they cracked) to take the place of the bunk hydro and on top of that I have 2 reg fire og x chem dawg.... Hoping I can have less trouble with my soil for now. My light is 25" from the top of the pots , so rough estimate is around 400 par, I'm waiting in a par meter to arrive ......IMG_20180506_152125.jpg


Well-Known Member
Got some new babies germed and out In The sun today.....the two up front r bubba kush and the two in the back r chem fire og.....MSGR_PHOTO_FOR_UPLOAD_1525886236584.jpg_1525886239143.jpegthe two bubba r above ground but the two cfog are just breaking ground


Well-Known Member
Today is first feeding with the new nukeheads flower power nutrient pack...IMG_20180516_111723.jpg IMG_20180516_111138.jpg ..back two r the bubba kush
Front two r the chem fire og