First indoor medical grow.. 600w week 5 flowering [update]


Well-Known Member
i think the point in a 24 hour darkness period before you harvest is to purposely stress the plant into using everything it has.. putting all of its nutrients into the buds thinking it's going to die..

I'm sure it turns out plenty fine the natural way without darkness too though lol
hate to seem like a dick but that wont werk, in darkness the plant sleeps and puts all of its nutrients into the roots, thats y we recommend to chop right before the lights turn on.


Active Member
fuzzybuds sounds like he knows his stuff - i too am interested in the procedue for the final flowing phase so would love to hear more

i remmeber reading somewhere about some benifits of a prolonged dark period just before cropping but as per usual i also read contradictory reports that during about the last 3 - 4 days u can actualy use 24 hrs lighting as it will give them a final push / boost (thoughts on this please )

and we all agree about flushing with plain water in the last 3- 7 days as nutrients really do taste like shit lol :D


yours are looking awesome! I'm just about week 6 right now so I still have another 3 weeks(maybe longer). Being patient on my first grow is so tough lol i want to rip them out of the ground and throw them in the bong! I have some meds to hold me over though ;)

Here's how they look now :blsmoke:IMG_20101210_162715.jpgIMG_20101210_162817.jpgIMG_20101208_152520.jpgIMG_20101210_163119.jpgIMG_20101210_162752.jpgIMG_20101209_185823.jpg


Well-Known Member

Look'in good. Not much to say.

Do you pick-up and move your plants around alot? That one pic looks like the plant is on a recliner....


Well-Known Member
i think the point in a 24 hour darkness period before you harvest is to purposely stress the plant into using everything it has.. putting all of its nutrients into the buds thinking it's going to die..

I'm sure it turns out plenty fine the natural way without darkness too though lol
i always give my plants 24-72 hours of darkness before harvest..i also take a nail and hammer it into the trunk of the plant"s"..its a lil old school growing trick i learned from a og grower friend of mine..but thc forms on the buds during flower not right before harvest i just figure it couldnt hurt and it does seem to get more stickier when i do the darkness and nail through the trunk thing lol..the only way to know is side by side test with thc testers and nobody has room to say if it doesnt work or not so all u people who say NO THAT DOESNT WORK :finger:


Well-Known Member
and i was reading that u use distilled water..i say thats a bad idea unless ur flushing cuz fuzzybuds was right..tap water has beneficial microbes in the water that are good for plants distilled water has absolutely nothing in it would be good to flush with distilled but besides that i wouldnt use it..used it my first grow and had a calcium def.


I just move them out of the tent to water them and when I do i take pics haha Hence the pics on the chair n stuff :P I'm sure on my next grow I wont end up moving them much.. this grow I spent sooo much time in there changing things lol

Thanks for the input caligrown.. I just figured since I don't know what is in the tap water i'd stick with distilled.. I gave them cal+mag too so they shouldn't have any of those deficiencies :) but if it won't hurt I would much rather use tap water.. less trips to the grocery store and I can just reuse my gallon buckets =]


Well-Known Member
Using the Satvia Lobster Method of harvesting, if you pour boiling water over the root ball just before chop your buds will turn redder. It works on the principles similar to how a Lobster turns red when dropped into a pot of boiling water.

The mix is one quart boiling water for each gallon of dried soil.

So I've heard and I'm sure you've all read about this so-called "Lobster Method".


Well-Known Member

Today marks the 7th week of 12/12 for these.

I'm debating if I should hit them once more with the Ferts. Then next Monday, 8th w f, start the flush. Chop after the Christmas Goose.

How r yours??



I'll take some more pics when the lights go out tonight :) Yours are looking dank!!! I can only imagine the smell in that room haha. I'm on week 6 flowering so I still have a little bit before i have to flush!

I am debating yanking my giesel out early though(christmas.. that will be end of week 7 flower). None of my other plants get powdery mildew at all, but this giesel plant is a magnet for it. I have had it contained for weeks and there was a little spot on my giesel plant a couple days ago.. I nuked it early and they are all in the clear now.. but just to be safe I think i'm going to get that plant out of here first.

I have noticed if my giesel plant has PM it can get on my other plants, but if that plant is in check.. so are the rest of them! I'm sure if I harvest this bad boy, my PM problems will be gone for the rest of this grow =] I'm just too scared for my first grow to go to shit because of one plant!


Well-Known Member
Today mine got jacked with a watering mixture of 2 teaspoons Overdrive per gallon of water. The next watering will be Sunday. Then, I'll go with Clearex for one or two waterings.

8 weeks F is Monday. The Final Stretch. Hell, yea! Right after that Christmas Goose.

Where's the pics, B?


I just harvested my giesel plant! Since I was growing with a 150 until this grow.. I had one plant flowering for 2 weeks longer so I have been flushing it for the last week... it looks and smells soooooooooooooooooo goood :D

more pics of the ones who aren't dead coming soon ;)IMG_20101215_223538.jpgIMG_20101216_130259.jpg

this is officially the first plant I have ever grown from start to finish!! No idea how much it will be dry but it looks like it'll be just under 1oz.. this plant is the smallest of all of em though =]


Active Member
Hey man just read this thread, looking good soo far! Are you still running negative pressure? The reason I ask is cause I had a problem with powdery mildew too and I had about 300cfm exhaust with a passive intake that created neg. pressure. I got a 6inch duct booster fan at homedepot to blow air in and it vastly improves circulation for like 25$. Just my thoughts! I cant wait to see your harvest though! +rep


Well-Known Member

Hell to the Yeah! Looks good!!

Let your other plants go a lot longer. I'm about a week ahead of you. If you want me to post any plant measuring, let me know. Under your 600 the main colas should be 6+ inches. You should yield a large Tupperware tub full of bud.


I think my biggest problem with getting a huge yield from my plants is the pot size. They were initially under a 150 and 1 gallon would have been plenty sufficient for growing 5 plants since they would have been tiny... I got the 600w cause i couldn't watch them not get enough light, next run I am def. doing 5 gallon smart pots.

I have great inline ventilation in there, constant air flow with good temps & low humidity.. and yes it is negative pressure :)

After yanking the giesel I think my PM problems are gone, none of the other plants really attract PM like that girl

Your plants are def. much larger than mine rmax! Im waiting to borrow my bros camera since mine isn't that great for close ups and i'll take some badass pics :D