first indoor cfl grow from aother random noob ;) all advice appreciated


Well i wish all the luck will you be posting pics? I hope so........:peace:
haha yes of course many pics to come its 2:30 am right now and the ol' lady will castrate me if I go in the bedroom and start taking pics of the closet so ill start with the closet tomorrow as I want some opinions on if I should build a box inside the closet or not. personally I don't think I will nee a box and would like to have as much room as possible for my babies to grow............. also I found this in the DIY section thanks to you so will deff be trying to mak something along those lines with the light sickets I have now. what do you think of my idea of a 2x8 board with the 5 23W cfl flood lights above my 65W spirals? think it would help or a waste?


Well-Known Member
guy i might have a answer for u

u have a couple of buddies that will be bugging u about your stuff

tell them 200 bucks now and that gives them a locked for life price of 300 a oz is what i did to up offset the starting up cost and skip 2 weeks worth of food i ate every other day for a month ........sold my first 4 plants strait out right even one of them in veggie stage for 200 bucks

the auto flowers are the way to go.........the life span is set u know it will trigger into flowering with out the trouble and most are 1 oz some are up to a lb but u need a hid..............i have done anything in the led feild so can not swear by it but the hid the heat yes but the result just ahhh dancing in a feild of green


guy i might have a answer for u

u have a couple of buddies that will be bugging u about your stuff

tell them 200 bucks now and that gives them a locked for life price of 300 a oz is what i did to up offset the starting up cost and skip 2 weeks worth of food i ate every other day for a month ........sold my first 4 plants strait out right even one of them in veggie stage for 200 bucks

the auto flowers are the way to go.........the life span is set u know it will trigger into flowering with out the trouble and most are 1 oz some are up to a lb but u need a hid..............i have done anything in the led feild so can not swear by it but the hid the heat yes but the result just ahhh dancing in a feild of green
haha I thought about this actually but with my plants just getting stolen I plan to tell NOBODY about my indoor grow or even the product till its cured and ready to roll out the door. and with the garbage this is going around here the past year I should be able to easily get $100 per 1/4 (7g) as far as the autoflower I do wanna try those out as ive read bth good and bad on them and im the type of person that has to do it myself to know for sure hahaha. also... dumb question... how are you spacing between your paragraphs? for some reason I cant figure it out on this forum. most forums are like Microsoft word and you just click ENTER to jump down to the next line... however when I try that simple thing on this forum it does nothing :/
as far as theld this is the one I plan on buying. its been proven to have really good results


Well-Known Member
haha I thought about this actually but with my plants just getting stolen I plan to tell NOBODY about my indoor grow or even the product till its cured and ready to roll out the door. and with the garbage this is going around here the past year I should be able to easily get $100 per 1/4 (7g) as far as the autoflower I do wanna try those out as ive read bth good and bad on them and im the type of person that has to do it myself to know for sure hahaha. also... dumb question... how are you spacing between your paragraphs? for some reason I cant figure it out on this forum. most forums are like Microsoft word and you just click ENTER to jump down to the next line... however when I try that simple thing on this forum it does nothing :/
as far as theld this is the one I plan on buying. its been proven to have really good results
my plants were stolen once

then i got a shot gun and some explosive rounds amoung others .................what most ppl do not know old cellphones with wifi can be converted into camreas for u to watch over stuff records onto my home network and i can access it anyone goes near it i will see...........if the power goes out it is still stored in the smart phone memoery u can set it to record loops on sd cards ..................beforew htey handed me the cash they eash were told if anything goes wrong i will come for them with the gun

the person that stole my first plant is now sitting locked up for federal charges of trafficing lsd and cocain .............just need a little reall stuff and a bunch of fake crap it all gets them the same time ................once he starts the time after the trail i will stop in and tell him whatz then his word as a drug trafficing fellon will worth shit does matter what he knows it is what he can prove and the iq was not all that bright he had a idea what would happen fucking me over knew me for a while and what i did to the last person before


Well-Known Member
i am the niceest guy u will meet .........all my sacks are weight on or over trimed so no stems and i do not top the buds or clip the tris like some ppl ..............most everyone loves me and keeps the mouth shut about me since they want to keep me going

but once u cross that line u have to punish the person ......take away there freedom/cost them 30x what u are out/set them up so all the lies they tell fall apart at the worst possible time/get them shitty ass drunk drive 2 states over strip them nakied and leave them on the side of a back ass road .................this way ppl know u are fair but u dick u over they are going to reget living for a few years

(before i do anything i get proof beyond a shadow of a doubt).......this normally includes getting the person drunk so they slip guts and say sorry then i know and then they think ok and bam in the face with a bat and i never deal with them again


care to pm me and inform me how to do this wifi camera deal? I have a few phones laying around lol. my plants that were stolen were outside and I have no way to prove who stole them although im pretty sure I know who did. luckily karma can be a mean bitch and they'll get whats coming to them :)


IMG_0084.jpgIMG_0083.jpgIMG_0081.jpgIMG_0082.jpgok now that its daytime and can take pics without the warden raising hell here is the closet ill be using. nothing special and still empty atm.... HEIGHTH: UP 7-8 FEET IF NEEDED (my flood lights will be hung from the boards about 6 feet) WIDTH: 6 FEET....... DEPTH 3.5 FEET............... now this is where you pros come in.. should I build a box inside this space or leave it as is so I have plenty of room for my 2 plants in 5 gallon buckets. my lights/fan will hang from the bar for now and if the plants get tall enough I will remove the bar and raise my lights. I dont think this will be an issue using cfl's though. let me know your guys opinions n how I should do this. also anyone have any opinions on which 2 strains I should try out for my first indoor grow? genetics listed on first page.... all input is appreciated


New Member
I'm a newbie too so I can't really offer advice but I do know I started with cfls and they should be as close as possible to the plants, after only 6-8" away and you have already lost most of your lumens.

Good luck on your grow! I'm on my first one too.


I'm a newbie too so I can't really offer advice but I do know I started with cfls and they should be as close as possible to the plants, after only 6-8" away and you have already lost most of your lumens.

Good luck on your grow! I'm on my first one too.
thanks! and yea I know if you look back to first page ill be running 2x65W up top at 2" as well as multiple 18's and 23's around the sides and 5x23 floods above my 65's just as a lil extra :)


Well-Known Member
care to pm me and inform me how to do this wifi camera deal? I have a few phones laying around lol. my plants that were stolen were outside and I have no way to prove who stole them although im pretty sure I know who did. luckily karma can be a mean bitch and they'll get whats coming to them :)
i have my set up in a drop ceiling in a the basement ...................setting up outside would mean u need to access your attic and place it in the over hang in the area the plants are ..............this is to keep the power cord hidden and the phone hidden ..............or in a window bay that can be directed to look at the spot ............and u will need a motion light the camera lens is only 5 megapixils