First grow

ROFL. I just realized I can upload pics straight to the forums. Great, I suck hahaha. Anyways, this pic isn't good I just thought it was a cool angle. Pistils popping up everywhere and growth has accelerated. Just tied down for the last time and fed her. GOOD pics coming this evening.
2011-09-22 17-01-01.525.jpg
Looking great man. I just had to chop my shitty bagseeds down. Getting some better seeds soon. Update some pics :p. Ill keep checkin in. :leaf:
Highlife, thanks for checking in man! That SUCKS, what happened to your babies man? I haven't forgotten about you guys. Just been a bit busy here lately. She is getting massive! I will upload good pics tomorrow morning, scout's honor. Here's a bogus webcam pic, I lent my camera to my girlfriend for the night for a funeral viewing.

2011-09-25 19-55-02.795.jpg
looks good, its always nice to finally see the first little white hairs. lst job is looking nice.

Hey thanks dark, been trying to make it work...the first time I ever tried to LST... I made little nooses with my string, and propped my stem up one way and tied it off the other, and the stem completely grew around the string lol. It was pretty gnarly. Also: Your sig has never been so truthful, wish we could all be a little more considerate of our fellow growers.

ANYWAY, pics are in! Today is day 28 I think. about 3 or 4 into flowering. Just watered her 1L with no nutes. Finally I can compare to the last time I posted pictures with a good camera lol, anyway here they are, sorry one is blurry. Pic one is an above photo obviously, 2 is showing a more panorama view of the top(main cola) area, three of the "boittom" of the plant. Four and five I was just trying to get some preflowers and pistils in there but was having a hard time. Does show nice growth and stem thickness though 8) Thanks guys, feedback appreciated

Also, I don't know if you can see it in the first picture, but the tips of the leaves on the new growth are "twisting" or "twirling" in a spiral type formation. Couldn't find any info on this...any ideas?
Awesome man:D . Plant looks great! very nice work. I can see the leaves twisting.. Where is most of this occurring? middle to bottom growth? Is any new growth effected?
It's actually ONLY on new growth for the most part...I see one or two big fat middle-leaves with turn over tips but Like I say, mainly n the freshest newest growth...It seems like they straighten out though, but I'm not sure...

Also, should I continue lsting through flowering?? I have PLENTY of room in my grow space, so that's not the problem. Mainly worried about positive/negative effects on yield at this point.
Deformed new growth can be caused by mag and boron deficiency. Make sure your plant is getting calcium(tap water), magnesium (epsoms salt) and Boron in the nutes. Check your nutes make sure yours getting all of these.

I was reading back a little. What soil/nutes are you using?

For me, i wont lst during flower anymore unless i absolutely have to. If you have the room let her grow :D
Lmao I honestly don't even remember the brand name...I pulled the bag out and threw the box was a generic cheap brand, so I'm def gonna have to get some new nutes...they were for veg anyway. The only thing I'm not positive was in there was Boron. I watered with epsom salt about 5 days ago.
Lmao I honestly don't even remember the brand name...I pulled the bag out and threw the box was a generic cheap brand, so I'm def gonna have to get some new nutes...they were for veg anyway. The only thing I'm not positive was in there was Boron. I watered with epsom salt about 5 days ago.

I found that a 1/2 teaspoon per gal every water does great. I had a bad mag problem with my old soil though. MG nutes have everything you need except ca/mag. it seems i have been having problems with all the nutes i bought so far. Just ordered some ff nutes, hope it turns out better. Im still thinking a lot of my problems were my soil and seeds.
I found that a 1/2 teaspoon per gal every water does great. I had a bad mag problem with my old soil though. MG nutes have everything you need except ca/mag. it seems i have been having problems with all the nutes i bought so far. Just ordered some ff nutes, hope it turns out better. Im still thinking a lot of my problems were my soil and seeds.

I'm sort of tying this up to a Zinc deficiency which I'm reading can cause rosetting etc...but at the same time I'm only getting the twisted leaves...not really any greening. Could cold night temperatures cause this?
I personally have not heard of cold temps twisting leaves. Drop the pic here in a new thread Marijuana Plant-Problems if the problems continue. Sometimes its hard to diagnose the plants problems untill they get worse. witch sucks because the symptoms are a delayed reaction, witch means the plants are hurting longer. It will work out. I'll keep checking and see what i can find also.
Yeah, it's def not temp, my thermometer barely moved from 75 degrees all night and it's at 77 mid day. The problem actually seems to be clearing up a bit. I'm going to flush her tomorrow after her soil dries out. Not going to take the plant out of the growbox anymore, it's getting heavy as hell. I moved them down to promote a little vertical growth. They're still getting great light.

Pics in the morning after feeding =D
Just woke up and fed her this morning. 1G ph'ed water full str nutes(about 20% drained out). I measured the soil ph and run off at 6.4 and 6.6, respectively. I took a second look at the plant and at my box and decided to tie her down one more time just to be safe over sorry. Gonna let her finish breakfast while I go take care of some business then I'll upload pictures in a couple hours. She's filling out realllly rapidly at this point.
You have a nice setup... I actually started my first grow a few days ago... I see why everybody likes growing all the time... its a good hobby haha... very addictive... still waiting to see more pics of yours... hope it comes out good for you in the end buddy
You have a nice setup... I actually started my first grow a few days ago... I see why everybody likes growing all the time... its a good hobby haha... very addictive... still waiting to see more pics of yours... hope it comes out good for you in the end buddy

Oh yeah man...I am already designing my new grow area. Without too many details about the house, I have a guest room next to the master that is roughly 12x10 that doesn't have a closet. Gonna build myself one with a double-wall like Narnia. with a decent sized grow area in the back xD. I already got some blueprints. I'm a geeek. Anyway here's some pics I took literally 15 mins ago. Idk about the leaves...I'm ph seems fine...she seems to be growing I'm gonna let her go a few more days. Everything seems normal besides that.

untitled.JPGwhat i want to do sometime is take out a door for a room by stairs or somthing and put a wall there to blend in then cut a hole through the wall under the stairs into the closed room and build it into a secret passage way
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6367837 said:
View attachment 1810865what i want to do sometime is take out a door for a room by stairs or somthing and put a wall there to blend in then cut a hole through the wall under the stairs into the closed room and build it into a secret passage way

That is genius, basically making it so that the room doesn't exist to anyone but you. I live in a historic area in a 2 story 100 year old house. It does not have any hallways or closets lol. Hell even the bathroom is an addition. It kind of sucks but it's unique I guess. That's a brilliant idea though.